unin9 Gymnastics教学目标投诉举报
unin9 Gymnastics教学目标
unin9 Gymnastics教学目标.doc
unin9 Gymnastics教学目标unin9 Gymnastics教学目标

unin9 Gymnastics教学目标

unin9 Gymnastics教学目标


本单元主要词汇:ache; keep one’s balancedo body-building;at the doctor’s;require;lose one’s voice;do a handstand;a keep-fit programme;backward(s);be proud of ;hold a position steady;a length of wood ;glance;take/have a look at; follow safety measures; in all; gain;knock into sb;prepare…(sb.) for; do a neat circle; cheer ; fall forward/over; be content with/to do; land neatly on the floor;highly;do sth. to music本单元的主要句型What can I do for you? There is something wrong with…?Where does it hurt? My …hurt/I hurt my…I’ve got a temperature. Let me take a look at it/ you.Do this treatment twice a day for a week? Take this medicine/two pills three times a day.Wht seems to be the matter? 10. It’ll /You’ll be all right/ well/ better soon.It is /was + 被强调部分 + who/that …



重点掌握本单元出现的与体操相关联的一些词组和短语。运用所学语言,围绕体操这一题材,完成教材和练习册中所要求的有关听说读写方面的任务。阅读课文第34课和35课,让学生了解有关体操以及与之相关的英语表达。适当增加和拓展与体操有关的词组和短语,以更好的帮助学生运用英语进行表达。掌握并强化本单元的语法要点,即主谓一致的问题以及宾语从句的用法。其中关键是主谓一致中有关集合名词作主语和宾语从句中从句时态一致在写作中的实际运用的问题。词语辨析:1.ache与painpain多指由于严重受伤或疾病引起的剧痛,用作可数名词或不可数名词均可。The boy was in great pain after he broke his arm. 那个孩子伤了胳臂后,很疼痛。ache多指身体局部的持续的隐痛,用作可数名词或不可名词均可,常和身体部位构成复合名词(见上例)。例如:She suffers from various aches and pains. 她遭受了各种疼痛和痛苦。take great pains with sth. / to do sth. / in doing sth. “辛苦;努力;费尽苦心做某事。”Mary took great pains with her English lesson and got high marks. 玛丽下苦功学习英语并取得高分。2.辨析 clothing 与clothes1)clothing是全部衣物的总称,如:men’s clothing男服,winter clothing冬装,属于集合名词,只有单数形式,其作主语时,谓语有单数形式。Our clothing protects us from the cold. 衣服使我们免受寒冷。一件衣服可以说an article of clothing或a piece of clothing,但不能说a suit of clothing. 但可以说a suit of clothes(一套衣服)。2)clothes统指各种衣服,不能指单件衣服,它既不能用作单数,也不能和表示具体数目的数词连用,不能说a clothes, six clothes, 但可以说many (these, a few, my) clothes. 其作主语时谓语用复数形式。These clothes are new. 这些衣服都是新的。3.辨析announce, declare announce 和declare 语义相近,但结构有区别。announce 后接名词或代词或that宾语从句,而declare除接上面结构以外还可接复合宾语等结构。declare在语义上还有些特殊的用法。试比较下列句型。 Soon Germany declared war on France. 不久德国对法宣战。(不用 announce)The bell announced the end of the class. 下课铃响了。(非正式,不用declare) The committee announced/declared the results of the experiment. 委员会宣布了实验的结果。4.congratulate, celebrate congratulate 意为“祝贺”,常用于congratulate sb. on ( doing ) sth.。celebrate 意为“庆祝”,后接名词。如:Paul's classmates congratulated him on his winning the first prize. 保罗的同学们祝贺他获得了一等奖。Christmas is celebrated on December 25.过圣诞节是在十二月二十五日。 注意它们在结构和语义上的区别。congratulate 的名词形式为congratulation,常用作复数。而celebration 意为“庆祝”或“庆祝会”,是普通的可数名词。—I got the first prize. 我得了一等奖。—Congratulations! 祝贺你!About ten thousand people attended the celebration of National Day in Tian An Men Square.大约一万人参加了天安门广场的国庆庆祝会。