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¡¡¡¡Personal Information:

¡¡¡¡Family Name:¡¡Wang Given Name:¡¡Bin

¡¡¡¡Date of Birth:¡¡July 12, 1971 Birth Place: Beijing

¡¡¡¡Sex: Male Marital Status: Unmarried

¡¡¡¡Telephone:¡¡£¨010£©62771234 Pager: 99900-1234567


¡¡¡¡Work Experience:

¡¡¡¡Nov. 1998- present CCIDE Inc, as a director of software development and web publishing .Organized and attended trade shows £¨Comdex 99£© .

¡¡¡¡Summer of 1997¡¡BIT Company as a technician ,designed various web sites . Designed and maintained the web site of our division independently from s electing suitable materials, content editing to designing web page by FrontPage, Photoshop and Java as well ;


¡¡¡¡1991 - August 1996 Dept.of Automation, Tsinghua University, B.E.

¡¡¡¡Achievements & Activities:

¡¡¡¡President and Founder of the Costumer Committee

¡¡¡¡Established the organization as a member of BIT

¡¡¡¡President of Communications for the Marketing Association

¡¡¡¡Representative in the Student Association

¡¡¡¡Computer Abilities:

¡¡¡¡Skilled in use of MS Frontpage, Win 95/NT, Sun, JavaBeans, HTML, CGI, JavaScript, Perl, Visual Interdev, Distributed Objects, CORBA, C, C++, Project 98, Office 97, Rational RequisitePro, Process, Pascal, PL/I and SQL software

¡¡¡¡English Skills:

¡¡¡¡Have a good command of both spoken and written English .Past CET-6, TOEFL: 623; GRE: 2213


¡¡¡¡Aggressive, independent and be able to work under a dynamic environment. Have coordination skills, teamwork spirit. Studious nature and dedication are my greatest strengths.



¡¡¡¡mobile phone: ####### e-mail: t135@diyifanwen.com

¡¡¡¡home address: ******

¡¡¡¡objective: banking industry

¡¡¡¡education background

¡¡¡¡2005.9~2009.6 shanghai institute of foreign trade £¨sift£© shanghai, china

¡¡¡¡l bachelor of arts degree in law £¨b.a.£©£¬ expected 2009

¡¡¡¡major courses: international economic law, international finance, accounting, marketing etc

¡¡¡¡professional experience

¡¡¡¡2008.1~2008.2 bank of china, shanghai zhengda branch [internship]

¡¡¡¡w good working knowledge of banking practice, communicating with customers

¡¡¡¡2007.7~2007.8 united securities co., ltd, shanghai west changjiang road sales department

¡¡¡¡[associate investment manager]

¡¡¡¡w learned skills in market analyzing and professional sales techniques

¡¡¡¡w successfully developed some potential customers for the company

¡¡¡¡2006.9~2007.4 daylight £¨china£© co., ltd [sales representative]

¡¡¡¡w established a work team and led discussion in meetings when needed

¡¡¡¡w mastered knowledge of the products and finally rank 2nd among the entire community

¡¡¡¡2006.7~2006.8 shanghai horizon market research co., ltd [researcher]

¡¡¡¡w successfully arranged and conducted phone and indoor interviews across the city

¡¡¡¡w worked with different teams and finished questionnaires seriously

¡¡¡¡extracurricular activities

¡¡¡¡2006.9~2008.6 human resources services company of sift [marketing manager]

¡¡¡¡totally provided 20 positions for schoolmates; invited 8 enterprises to take part in annual school recruitment; established the original human resources database

¡¡¡¡2007.7~2007.8 summer special olympic games in 2007 [volunteer]

¡¡¡¡charity sale in yu garden bilingually and promote sales of items successfully

¡¡¡¡2006.9~2007.6 english club [vice president]

¡¡¡¡coordinated affairs of the society including raising funds from corporate sponsors for our society; organized english corner, educational lectures and outdoor practice

¡¡¡¡2006.3~2006.12 students¡¯ entrepreneurship center £¨marketing department£© [assistant]

¡¡¡¡researched materials of competition, government policies, social factor concerning starting one¡¯s own business; focused on marketing plans

¡¡¡¡honors and scholarships

¡¡¡¡academic:national scholarship, 1st scholarship£¨once, 1 student/semester£©in 2007-2008

¡¡¡¡scholarship for outstanding students, 3rd scholarship£¨twice, top 10%£©in 2006-2007

¡¡¡¡excellent individual of summer practice and 2nd place for social articles in 2006-2007

¡¡¡¡social: excellent marketing manager in human resources services company of sift

¡¡¡¡excellent individual of honor of work for study in 2006-2007

¡¡¡¡excellent representative in sports, law school in 2007-2008

¡¡¡¡certificates and skills

¡¡¡¡language: the intermediate certification of oral £¨verbal£© interpretation of shanghai

¡¡¡¡cet-6: 525

¡¡¡¡computer: certification of middle-level skills of computer operation of shanghai