



沉默是金英语作文 篇1

Certainly, there are times when silence pays rich dividends. In the Bible, Solomon said: “The one who guards his mouth preserves his life; the one who opens wide his lips comes to ruin”. Surely the kind of silence here advised, the control of one’s tongue, is “golden” indeed. Silence is certainly “golden” when compared to speaking evil. How wonderfully golden the silence would be if all whispering, backbiting, lying, slander and such like could be forever stopped. Meanwhile, “Silence is golden” also means that one is restrained, listening whole-heartedly firstly, and then carefully making her speech. Too many times we may be guilty of saying too much without taking into account the context.

There are other times, however, when silence is not “golden”. It may be just plain yellow or cowardly in such instance. To remain silent at times when one should speak up is to be guilty of cowardice and results in a failure to do one’s duty. It all depends upon the circumstances. Many times those who should speak out and warn of danger remain silent because they are afraid or fear that they might hurt someone’s feelings. Such silence is far from being golden. Moreover, such a person lends strength to the forces of evil, and by failing to oppose such can be counted with the enemies for all practical purposes.

All in all, in most cases, silence can drive you to a favourable position where you can either go forward and do perfect defense. On top of the position, only silver speech can make you win something.

沉默是金英语作文 篇2

Silence should be gold, because it can make us more rational and modest. Silence let us have more opportunities to think about some matters. Then the decision will be made more carefully. As a result, we may deal with something more smoothly, and finally achieve the success. So in my opinion, I think silence is a kind of reflection. You know reflection is a symbol of wisdom. In the south of our schools Yifu Library, there is a contemplator statue sitting in the square. He has sited and kept silent there for many years. I think this statue teach us how to consider and reflect. Thats to be modest and silent, when thinking. It will be a valuable venture for all researchers and students. So it is necessary to study how to keep silent.

Someone may realize that silence is rather easier than speech. I think it is not exactly true. Speech only needs our courage and confidence. However, silence not only needs our courage, but also need us to have clear mind and generous heart. Sometimes its not easy to get this. For example, do you remember in the world cup final 2008, Zidan (the captain of French team) head-butt a player of Italy so that he was showed red card and sent off immediately. It is pity for French, because of losing the leader in the football field. Finally, French team lost the opportunity of achieving final success. So silence make person calm, and avoid impulsion.

Sometimes silence means endurance. Though I admit endurance isnt good for our psychology health, sometimes it is necessary. If you want to success, you have to be willing to endure something which may be produced by yourself or others. Then just keep silent to do it. You should believe that action speaks louder than words. So do a man of action(doer).

沉默是金英语作文 篇3

When we talk of the famous remark "Silence is gold. ", we should not simply label it as right or wrong, but explore it in great depth.

This remark is especially true in several situations. First, if we have promised not to let a secret disclose,we should always keep silent. Second, we should avoid talking about facts Or statistics of which we are not sure.

Third, whenever we are expressing our ideas, we should remember that brevity is the soul of wit and talking too much will always lead to faults and mistakes. Nevertheless, there are also some exceptions. If we find out a flaw in others speaking or writing, we should not hesitate to point it out. And if friends or acquaintances ask for advice, we should feel free to help them.

In a word, we can draw the conclusion that in most cases "Silence is gold. ", but in some circumstances, talking is the right choice.

沉默是金英语作文 篇4

many americans find silence uncomfortable. they will murmur on to fill any quietness if it extends for more than a moment.

students often study with their radios singing;housewives leave televisions on for the companionship of sound even though they may be working in some other room. if you are silent for long periods,they will do their best to draw you out or will ask if you feel all right or if there is anything that they can do to help you. sometimes silence can be puzzling, however; if americans disagree with what you are saying, many of them will remain quiet.

this may not suggest agreement; often it only means that they consider it impolite to argue further.

沉默是金英语作文 篇5

When we talk of the famous proverb “Silence is gold”, we should not simplylabel it as right or wrong, but explore it in depth.

This proverb is especialy true under several situations. First, if we havemade a promise not to let out a secret, we should always keep silent. Second,we should avoid

talking over facts or statistics of which we are not sure. Third,whenever we are expressing our ideas, brevity is the soul of wit and talking toomuch will always lead to faults and mistakes.

Nevertheless, there are also some exceptions. If we find out a flaw in other’s speaking or writing, we should not hesitate a moment to point it out. And tofriends or acquaintances seeking advice, we should feel free to help them.

In a word, we can draw the conclusion that in most cases “silence is gold”,but in certain circumstances, talking is the right choice.

沉默是金英语作文 篇6

“Silence is gold” is a popular saying in which many people have belief. To these people speaking too much is not a merit. However, if you always keep silent, you will probably miss many golden opportunities instead of obtaining the gold of silence.

Last week I read an article written by an office lady. The company where she worked had two kinds of offices: cubicle office and window office. As a new employee she worked in a cubicle office together with twenty colleagues. Two years later she still worked there but some colleagues who came later than her had moved into the window office. She felt confused. One day one colleague told her that window office wasn’t obtained without request. But believing that she certainly gained one if she did a good job the woman had never asked for it.

From the woman’s experience we learn that silence is not always gold. In the modern society one needs to speak his mind and speak for his own interests.




沉默是金英语作文 篇7

"Silence is gold" is a popular saying in which many people have belief that these people speaking too much is not a merit.

However, if you always keep silent, you will probably miss many golden opportunities instead of obtaining the gold of silence. Last week I read an article written by an office lady. The company where she worked had two kinds of offices: cubicle office and window office. As a new employee she worked in a cubicle office together with twenty colleagues. Two years later she still worked there but some colleagues who came later than her had moved into the window office. She felt confused. One day one colleague told her that window office wasn't obtained without request. But believing that she certainly gained one if she did a good job the woman had never asked for it.

From the woman's experience we not always told, we know that in the modern society one needs to speak his mind and speak for his own interests.

沉默是金英语作文 篇8

what did you not say yesterday? were there things you wish you had said but held back? did you corral certain words, certain sentences, and hold them for another opportunity? were some thoughts pushed below the surface, allowed to be changed with time, perhaps to be forgotten forever? how many “i love you’s” went unsaid that would have healed an aching heart? as with sleep, you cannot store them and build a reserve to tap into at a later date. their power, their balming effect, quickly dissipates with disuse. they work only in the moment that they were intended. left idle, their potential is gone, the object of their delivery untouched by kindness, by tenderness.

“i love you.” it is so simple to say. three words. there are many other opportunities to say them, but none more important and possessing more potential than now. words can have the opposite effect if left unsaid, almost as if they were spoken as opposites. silence can equal the opposite. “i love you” unsaid can become “i don’t love you” out loud. your most tender and endearing thoughts, if not allowed to fly free from the prison of your mind, may silently tell someone that you don’t care. how many times has your silence told your partner or child that you didn’t love them? how often has an unsaid word created the opposite effect? think of all the lives that would have been changed had armies of sentences been allowed to roam free. those who go through life cloaked in spoken endearments, wrapped and comforted in the voiced love of others, are truly blessed. the power of the spoken word is mighty. the power of silence can be mightier still.countless millions of words have been written and spoken since the beginning of human history. a total of all the words in all the libraries of the world, past and present, and every word of every conversation, idle chatter, lecture, broadcast, and speech in history would be dwarfed by the vast legions of words left unsaid, those rendered impotent by silence. not that it is a good thing to instantly speak every thought that comes to mind: chaos would ensue. we have to be selective of our words and deliver them into the pattern of conversation where appropriate; however, it is our mental editing that isolates certain words and thoughts as unspeakable, and sentences them to die (pun intended).

words can change the world. they can incite, torture, kill, comfort, heal, encourage, humiliate, anger, inspire, sadden, give joy, make one laugh, and they can forever change one’s life. there are many kinds of words: “in other words,” four-letter-words, words that are read, words to make you blue; there is the spoken word, the written word, the forgotten word; we put words in someone’s mouth, and we don’t have the words to epress.... words, words, everywhere, and not a thought to speak. and the unsaid words

沉默是金英语作文 篇9

When I see the TV series, the image of good person is to keep silence all the time, so that they won’t get into the trouble or cause problem. It seems that silence is gold, it is good to keep silent.

While I think silence is not always gold, sometimes people need to give their explanation, they should tell the truth, so that others won’t have to get the wrong information and do the wrong thing. Silence works when people get argued, to be silent can help them calm down and have time to clear their minds.

At most of the time, people should express their thoughts and let everybody knows you, silence will make you nobody.


沉默是金英语作文 篇10


It has not been understood why Li Yinhe named her husband Wang Xiaobo's essays "silent majority". It seems that with the continuous operation of the wheel of the times, more and more people, especially young people, like to choose silence. It's an age of silence.


Indeed, to say that there are advantages, not to say that there is power.


On TV, American police always say, "you have the right to remain silent, but everything you say will be the testimony of the case."


This is an era of too much complexity, full of too many temptations. Different ideas influence people's actions. Some are willing to sacrifice themselves to save others, some are willing to disclose the truth, and some are willing to spread rumors.


Therefore, I always look at everything around me with vigilance. Who can know what is hidden behind the appearance? Even people like Lu Xun carry a dagger when they go out. "They are not afraid to speculate about the world with the worst malice", let alone we, who are not involved in the world, are cautious.


And silence often represents action, not that three years do not sound a surprise, not that "do not break out in silence in silence in the silence of death.". Silence is often accompanied by the accumulation of power. In this pluralistic society, people of different faiths are silent, inclusive and concerned. Silence is an internal way of life.


Who can forget the people who shovel snow spontaneously in the heavy snow in the New Year!


Who can forget that when the Olympic torch transmission is blocked, the red ocean is silently escorted!


Who can forget that when the harsh whistle rings the silence of a nation, the people who stand out silently are the long dragons who line up to donate blood, who compose simple poems on the Internet, who hold up the warm candlelight to pray silently!


The silent generation will never be the beat generation. The 20th century has been too noisy and noisy. The teenagers in this era advocate more reason and prudence. As for the survey published in the magazine, we all know that it is to be published to attract people's attention and earn money, so we are silent, so we are vague. Because we are not willing to lie, because silence is a respect for the right to choose.


We only believe in action. Isn't practice the only criterion for testing truth?


Take a look at the performance of the post-80s and post-90s after the "5.12" earthquake. Take a look at the hard-working volunteers and the children who hold up all their pocket money. This is a rational generation.


So I would say that I am one of the silent majority. Silence does not mean that morality is vague. Everything is written in the heart and everything is written in the action.


I dare say: my silence is worthy of my conscience.

沉默是金英语作文 篇11

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a co?ttposition on the topic Silence Is Not Always Gold. You should write at least 120 outline given below in Chinese:




沉默并不总是金(Silence Is Not Always Gold)

"Silence is gold" is a popular saying in which many people have belief that these people speaking too much is not a merit.


However, if you always keep silent, you will probably miss many golden opportunities instead of obtaining the gold of silence. Last week I read an article written by an office lady. The company where she worked had two kinds of offices: cubicle office and window office. As a new employee she worked in a cubicle office together with twenty colleagues. Two years later she still worked there but some colleagues who came later than her had moved into the window office. She felt confused. One day one colleague told her that window office wasn't obtained without request. But believing that she certainly gained one if she did a good job the woman had never asked for it.


From the woman's experience we not always told, we know that in the modern society one needs to speak his mind and speak for his own interests.


沉默是金英语作文 篇12

“Silence is gold” is a popular saying in which many people have belief. To these people speaking too much is not a merit. However, if you always keep silent, you will probably miss many golden opportunities instead of obtaining the gold of silence. Last week I read an article written by an office lady. The company where she worked had two kinds of offices: cubicle office and window office. As a new employee she worked in a cubicle office together with twenty colleagues. Two years later she still worked there but some colleagues who came later than her had moved into the window office. She felt confused. One day one colleague told her that window office wasn’t obtained without request. But believing that she certainly gained one if she did a good job the woman had never asked for it. From the woman’s experience we learn that silence is not always gold. In the modern society one needs to speak his mind and speak for his own interests.