新概念英语第一册第105-106课:Full of mistakes投诉举报
新概念英语第一册第105-106课:Full of mistakes
新概念英语第一册第105-106课:Full of mistakes.doc
新概念英语第一册第105-106课:Full of mistakes新概念英语第一册第105-106课:Full of mistakes

新概念英语第一册第105-106课:Full of mistakes

  Lesson 105   Full of mistakes错误百出

  Listen to the tape then answer this question.What was Sandra's present?   听录音,然后回答问题。给桑德拉的礼物是什么?   THE BOSS:Where's Sandra, Bob?I want her. .  老 板:鲍勃,桑德拉在哪儿?我要找她。   BOB:      Do you want to speak to her?   鲍 勃:您要同她谈话吗?   THE BOSS:Yes, I do. I want her to come to my office.  Tell her to come at once.   老 板:是的,我要她到我的办公室来。叫她马上就来。   SANDRA:   Did you want to see me?   桑德拉:您找我吗?   THE BOSS:Ah, yes, Sandra.  How do you spell  "intelligent'? Can you tell me?   老 板:啊,是的,桑德拉。 "intelligent"怎样拼写?你能告诉我吗?   SANDRA:   I-N-T-E-L-L-I-G-E-N-T.   桑德拉:I-N-T-E-L-L-I-G-E-N-T。   THE BOSS:That's right. You've typed it with only one  'L'.   This letter's full of  mistakes.   I want you to type it again.   老 板:对的。但你只打了1个“L”。这封信里错误百出。我要你重打一遍。   SANDRA:   Yes, I'll do that. I'm sorry about that.   桑德拉:是,我重打。对此我感到很抱歉。   THE BOSS:And here's a little presentfor you.   老 板:这里有一件小礼物送你。   SANDRA:   What's it?   桑德拉:是什么?   THE BOSS:It's a dictionary. I hope it'll help you   老 板:是本词典。我希望它能对你有所帮助。   New words and Expressions生词和短语   spell   v. 拼写   intelligent   adj. 聪明的,有智慧的   mistake   n. 错误   present   n. 礼物   dictionary   n. 词典   Notes on the text课文注释   1  Do you want to speak to her?   在这句话中,to speak是动词want的宾语,而这个结构——动词原形前加to——在英文中被称为动词不定式。本课用动词不定式作宾语的例句还有:   I want her to come to my office;   Tell her to come at once;   Did you want to see me;   I want you to type it again等。   2  full of… 充满了...。   3  And here's...   这里and表示承上启下,使上下文紧密联系,当“于是”,“因此,讲。  

  Lesson 106   I want you/him/her/them to… 我要你/他/她/他们… Tell him/her/them to… 告诉他/她/他们…

  New words and expressions生词和短语   carry   v.携带   correct   v.改正,纠正   keep   v.保存,保留

  Lesson 105-106   自学导读 First things first

  课文详注  Further notes on the text  1.How do you spell…?……怎样拼写?   这是询问某个单词或某人的姓名如何拼写时常用的句型。   2.You've typed it with only one‘L’.但你只打了 1个“L”。   句中it指intelligent一词。这里的with意即“用”。   3.And here's a little present for you.这里有一件小礼物送你。   这是一个倒装句。由here引导、谓语为be的句子通常用倒装语序。这里and是表示承上启下,使上下文紧密联系,当“于是”、“因此”讲。   语法 Grammar in use   动词不定式   在英语中,当一个动词被另一个动词紧跟时,它们之间必须加不定式符号(to)。不定式符号后面的动词只能是原形,而不能是过去式或分词形式。   (1)不定式作动词的宾语(动词+to…):   He wants to buy a car.   他想买辆车。   He hopes to pass the French exam.   他希望自己能通过法语考试。   I want to leave.   我想离开。   (2)有许多动词可以带名词/代词宾语(通常是人称代词宾格),后面再跟不定式(动词+名词/宾格代词+to…):   I want you to carry it.   我想让你扛着它。   He wants them to listen to it.   他想让他们听那个。   Tell him to move it.   让他搬它。   (3)不定式的否定形式是在 to 之前加 not:   He decided not to buy the house.   他决定不买这幢房子。   He told me not to close the window.   他让我不要把窗户关了。   Tell him not to move it.   告诉他不要搬动它。   词汇学习  Word study   1.correct  v.   (1)改正;   纠正:   Please correct me if I'm wrong.   如果我错了,请你纠正。   I spent the whole morning correcting exam papers.   我花了整个上午的时间批改试卷。   (2)校正;矫正:   This pair of glasses will correct your eyesight problem.   这副眼镜会有助于矫正你的视力问题。   Oh, let me correct my watch first.   噢,先让我把我的手表对好。   2.break  v.   (1)打破;使碎裂:   She told him not to break the vase.   她告诉他别把花瓶打碎了。   He broke a leg in the accident.   他在这起事故中摔断了一条腿。   (2)损坏;弄坏:   His little daughter has broken his favourite camera.   他的小女儿把他心爱的照相机弄坏了。   You shouldn't have bought such expensive toys for him because he will simply break them.   你不应该买这么昂贵的玩具给他,因为他会轻而易举地把它们弄坏的。   (3)破坏;违反:   Any one who breaks the law should be punished.   任何触犯法律的人都应受到惩罚。   The student who broke the school regulations was severely criticized.   那位违反了校规的学生受到了严厉的批评。