Unit5 My new room投诉举报
Unit5 My new room
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Unit5 My new room Unit5 My new room

Unit5 My new room

Unit5 My new room

 Part 1: Teaching aims and demands Knowledge aimsa. to enable the Ss to understand and speak “ Where is …….?” “ It’s in/ on/ under……”b. to help Ss to learn new prep.c. Let Ss finish the listAbility aimsa. to develop Ss’ abilities of listening and speakingb. to foster Ss’ abilities of communication and their innovationc. to train Ss’ abilities of working in groupsMoral aimsa. to foster Ss’ consciousness of good co-operation and proper competitionb. to lead Ss to show their loveliness to animals Part 2: Teaching key pointsa. to help Ss to ask and answer “ Where is ……?” “It’s in / under……”b. to enable Ss to study in co-operate skillfully.c. Learn new wordsPart 3: Teaching methodsa. Communicative Approach in Presentation b. Task-based Learning Approach in Consolidation. Part 4: Teaching procedures and purposes of my designingStep 1: warming-up and revisiona. free talk between teachers and Ss: what’s this?b. sing a song: Where is the mouse?c. do some TPR: touch your nose/ put your book on the desk/……【In this step it’s important to form a better and relaxing English learning atmosphere by singing and doing some total physical response and at the same time it provides situations to review learned knowledge for the next step.】Step 2: presentationa. present CAI: put a lovely mouse in different places in the room and ask: where is the mouse?b. Let Ss answer it’s in/ on/ under the…….( because they learned these three words before)c. show a box and a ball and put the ball in different places of the box. Then present the new prep.: in front of / behind / over / beside / neard. let Ss ask and answer “ Where is the ball?” “ It’s ……the box”【In this step through the Communicative Approach my purpose is to present the key structures one by one. At the same time from a mouse can arouse the Ss’ interests in English learning. There’s an English saying: Interest is the best teacher of studying. It is the most real and active part in studying motivation. Next CAI can provide a real situation for Ss to understand the dialogue and relationships.】Step 3: consolidationa. show a very messy room and have a group competition: who can find the right things quickly. And use “ where is the……?” “ it’s……”b. have a survey and fill a list according to a pictureWhere is the……?bedlampbroomdollclockc. tell Ss make the room neatly and don’t put the things messy(moral aim)【In this step Task-based Learning Approach is used here to develop Ss’ ability of communication and the proper competition can also arouse the Ss’ interests.】Step 4: home work【Revision is so important that Ss should speak English as much as possible. It is necessary for Ss to do some extensive exercises after class to consolidate the knowledge they learned.】