文员个人简历中英文对照 文员个人简历中英文对照



    出生日期:1983-02-01  性  别:女    婚姻状况:未婚 身  高:156厘米    体  重:     46公斤    求职意向描述_应聘岗位:文员/电脑打字员/操作员    |    卫生医疗    |    医疗/护理    |    保健    |    其它    岗位描述:文员 工作经验:1 年 期望月薪:      教育背景    毕业学校    广西中医学院 最高学历:大专 专  业:妇幼保健     电脑水平:良好 外语语种:英语  外语水平:良好     教育历程:     1995-2001 在四川广安友谊中学读书    2001-2002 在四川广安第一中学读书    2002-2005 在广西中医学院读书    工作简历    在广西南宁妇幼保健院实习一年    个人能力及自我评价    转眼之间,大学生涯即将走到尽头,而我已从一个无知的小女孩成长为了一名成熟自信的大学生。    在这三年里,我经常去学校阅览室查阅书籍,了解最新的医学论着,增长自己贫乏的知识。为了丰富课余生活,我加入了学院社团,成为一名记者,虽然职位很小,却使我学到许多课本上没有的知识。为了更深入地了解中国传统医学,我参加中级推拿师培训班,并获得中级推拿师证书。不仅如此,我还积极参加各种社会实践,自愿报名参加迎“南博会”市容清洁活动,参加学院举办的无偿献血活动和“学雷锋义诊活动”等,通过这些社会实践,使我开拓视野,结交许多朋友,也使我明白一名合格的大学生不仅要学好本专业知识,还要其他必备的知识。    将要踏上另一个人生旅程,我会努力完善自己,提高自己,在热爱的事业中奉献自己的光和热。    Sandy Lin 15/F,TOWER2 ,BRIGHT CHINA,BUILDING1,BEIJING.    SKILLS:    Typing 65+wpm.    Strong knowledge of general accounting procedures.    Ability to work under pressure in a fast-paced environment and manage multiple tasks.    Ability to work independently with good organizational and communication skills.    Experience working for a large corporation.    Professional appearance and attitude.    EXPERIENCE:    1989-Present CARTER TRUST    Office Clerk    Transcribe statements form insureds,type letters to attorneys,insureds,and other insurance companies.Manage timely payment of workers compensation checks and the timely filing of workers compensation forms;type confidential material such as employee appraisals for the Claims Manager.Extensive workload on IBM 3090 processing insurance claims,payments,and recovery checks.Print checks to insureds and vendors.Answer telephone inquiries from insureds,claimants,and agents.    1985-1989 FEDERAL UNION INSURANCE CO.    Clerical Supervisor    Supervised the clerical staff consisting of three clerical employees.Acted in the capacity of Administrative to the Claims Manager,typed letters to attorneys,insureds,etc.,and handled special projects and reports from the Boston office.    1981-1985 MAPLEROOT HIGH SCHOOL    Payroll Clerk    Handled a monthly payroll for 500 hourly employees.Prepared quarterly federal withholding tax returns and labor statistics report.    EDUCATION:    H.S. Diploma    Certificate in WordPerfect 5.1    Certificate in Lotus 1-2-3    COMPUTERS:    WordPerfect 5.1,Lotus 1-2-3,E-Mail,IBM System    REFERENCES:    Furnished upon request.    Skills section focuses employers attention on candidates relevant qualifications.    Work experience is emphasized,while limited education is de-emphasized.