






培训类(G类)阅读考试形式:IELTS 考试阅读(培训类)部分共有三部分,文章难度由浅至深,考生需要回答40道题目。第一部分有14道题目,通常包含2到3篇短文或者若干段文字(如广告 等)。第二和第三部分分别有13道题目。第二部分通常有2篇文章,第三部分则为一段较长的文章。文章内容和题目均出现于问卷中。



一、 雅思阅读A类的文章大部分选自国外人文类、经济类和科学类的知名报纸、杂志或各政府、组织的研究报告。例如:

1. New Scientist 这本杂志被用到的频率最高,如剑四中的Lost for Words, Play is a Serious Business,剑五中的What’s So Funny?, Flawed Beauty: the Problem with Toughened Glass,和剑六中的多篇文章 Australia’s Sporting Success, Climate Change and the Inuit, Graying Population Stays in the Pink, Do Literate Women Make Better Mothers?

2. The Economist 列居其次,如剑五中的The Truth about the Environment, 剑六中的Delivering the Goods

3. 还有American Scientist和Scientific American这两个主要的美国学术期刊,例如剑五的Disappearing Delta和剑六的The Search for Anti-aging Pills

4. 当然还有National Geographic。但是值得注意的是,因为这是休闲杂志,所以只作为了G类的阅读,如剑六中的Pterosaurs

除了以上提到的若干来源之外,雅思A类的阅读文章还出自Nature, Discover, Time (Europe), Boston Global, History Today等其余期刊或杂志。至于是哪次考试的哪篇文章,由于敏感原因在这里就不在透露。

二、 G类的阅读中前两部分通常是实用性强的功能性短文,如菜单、产品说明、通知、住宿安排和广告等,非常贴近西方的实际生活。这就要求考生们争取每天阅读一定 量的原版英文报刊、书籍,如time、reader’s digest等,尤其注意其中的各种各样的广告。并非要读懂每一个字,或完全理解,只要能理解其中大至含义既可。



雅思阅读难备考,可能是因为文章的专业性。毕竟大多数同学平时都不太会深入了解一些自然类科技类医学类……相关领域的最新知识。因为背景知识的 缺乏,很多考生花费大量时间来理解文章,而导致做题时间紧张。所以,烤鸭们在平常的备考中要对一些不熟悉的领域涉猎一下,增强自己的背景知识理解能力。


1. 关于欧洲及世界社会发展,经济状况,科学动向以及文化交流的文章

自1995年雅思考试的题型做出重大改革以后,有两条原则就被命题的剑桥大学考试委员会(UCLES)反复强调非专业原则和国际化原则。为了使 不同地域,不同政治经济体制,不同肤色,不同文化背景的人能平等且毫无理解困难地参与雅思,法律及专业性较强的医学,生物学,哲学,文学,艺术等的文章已 经不再作为雅思的考查范围。









2. 关于地球,自然界的科学现象及地理现象的文章





3. 人类历史发展中重要事件,重要人物及重要标志性产品



雅思阅读的学术性决定了其深度和难度,却也限制了文章的结构、使其必须符合一定的学术规范。学术性文章的写作对象可以天南海北、作者观点可以光 怪陆离,但是行文论证必须规范严密,所以雅思阅读的层次结构相对固定。就目前出版的十本剑桥雅思系列而言,学术类阅读大致可分为两类:说明文和议论文。其 中,说明文从客观的角度介绍或陈述一个既定的事实,议论文则通常针对某个特定的问题进行分析和论证,有时一并提出解决的方案。

雅思阅读练习:What make of Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber

He’s the YouTube sensation who turns 17 next month, making him the youngest singer to top the American Billboard Charts since Stevie Wonder in 1963. He has already earned nearly £100 million, and analysts claim he’s the most influential person on the internet, ahead of Barack Obama. But unless you’re an eight-year-old girl (or living in close proximity to one), you’re likely to be a bit vague on the whole Justin Bieber phenomenon.

Just who is this Canadian cutie pie with the spray-on mop top and the cartoon grin? Did he deserve the Brit award (for best international breakthrough artist) we gave him earlier this week? And what’s the secret of his appeal to the hordes of hopelessly devoted “Beliebers” who’ll be screaming and swooning their way through his new 3D movie, Never Say Never, when it opens in British cinemas tomorrow, and packing concert venues when he tours here next month?

Like most child stars, Bieber inherited his ambition. His mother’s dreams of an acting career were derailed when she became pregnant with him at 18. Although she kept in contact with his father, Pattie Mallette raised her boy alone, working in a series of low-paid office jobs in Stratford, Ontario.

Little Bieber discovered a passion for music early. In the movie, fans will coo over home video of him, aged about five, staring out from beneath a floppy blond fringe and announcing, “Mummy, this is how I drum!”, before banging out a tight, enthusiastic rhythm on a cheap kitchen chair. He taught himself to play the piano, guitar, drums and trumpet, came second in a talent contest at 12 and began uploading videos of himself to YouTube. That summer, he set down his guitar case in front of a theatre and made almost $3,000 busking covers of songs by his R&B heroes, Usher and Ne-Yo. In a rather adorable, role-reversing moment, he used the money to take his mum on holiday to Disneyland.

Meanwhile, those homemade YouTube videos had been spotted by aspiring music executive Scooter Braun. Mallette, a devout Christian, was hesitant because Braun is Jewish. “God, I gave him to you,” she is reported to have said. “You could send me a Christian man, a Christian label!” But after praying with church elders, she decided to hand Braun the reins of her son’s career. And Braun had a strategy ready to roll. “I wanted to build him up more on YouTube first,” he has said. “We supplied more content. I said: 'Justin, sing like there’s no one in the room. But let’s not use expensive cameras.’ We’ll give it to kids, let them do the work, so they feel like it’s theirs.”

雅思阅读材料:Chevron's dirty fight in Ecuador


The giant oil corporation has been fined $8.6bn for an environmental disaster that has been called 'the Amazon's Chernobyl'. But guess what? It may end up paying nothing

No regrets, no apologies and not a penny in damages. The US energy giant Chevron came out fighting last night after a court in Ecuador ordered it to pay $8.6bn (£5.3bn) in fines and clean-up costs, plus $900m reparations, to the victims of oil pollution that fouled a swathe of Amazon rainforest along the country's remote north-eastern border.

The sum was the largest ever levied in an environmental lawsuit anywhere in the world.

Supporters of the indigenous villagers who brought the case said they were celebrating a landmark victory in the wider battle to hold multinational corporations to account for their conduct overseas.

Chevron will not be admitting defeat, however. Its lawyers, who have already spent 18 years and tens of millions of dollars contesting the lawsuit, pledged yesterday to appeal against the fine through every conceivable legal avenue, on at least three continents. In statements, the oil company branded Ecuador's legal system corrupt and "illegitimate", and said the court's ruling formed part of a vast "extortion scheme". A spokesman for Chevron claimed that the fine, imposed by a judge in the town of Lago Agrio, was "unenforceable in any court that observes the rule of law".

Chevron's lawyers have already filed appeals and counter-suits related to the case in six US courts. The company no longer has assets in Ecuador, so it intends to force the plaintiffs to pursue it internationally if they wish to see any of the damages. Chevron is also attempting to take the case to arbitration at a tribunal in the Netherlands.

A New York judge, Lewis A Kaplan, took the extraordinary step last week of pre-emptively blocking any financial judgment against the US-based company, anywhere in the world, for at least 28 days. He suggested that attempts to collect Chevron's assets might disrupt the day-to-day business of a company that was vital to the global economy.

That the dispute has reached this heady stage is hardly surprising, given both its enormous complexity and the vast amounts of money now at stake. The case stretches all the way back to 1964, when Texaco entered a partnership with Ecuador's state oil company, Petroecuador, to extract oil from the country's remote Oriente region.

During almost 30 subsequent years of exploration, billions of gallons of waste oil and water were dumped into open pits, fouling fishing grounds, damaging crops, killing farm animals and leading to an increase in cancer cases among residents of villages in the region. So severe was the damage that the fallout has been widely described as "the Amazon's Chernobyl". Experts appointed by the Ecuadorean courts have calculated that the pollution from the oil wells killed at least 1,400 people.

When Texaco pulled out of the country, in 1992, it agreed to spend roughly $40m cleaning up some of the damage. Shortly afterwards, the first version of the current lawsuit was filed against Texaco in New York by lawyers representing 47 named residents of the region.

In 2001, Texaco was bought by California-based Chevron, which became America's second-biggest oil firm but inherited the still-ongoing lawsuit in the process. In 2003, its lawyers successfully argued that the case should be heard in Ecuador. It has taken almost eight years for it to come to court. In that time, the fate of the 47 plaintiffs, who are seeking damages for 30,000 fellow members of their community, has become an international cause clbre, gaining the support of Hollywood stars such as Darryl Hannah. The lawyer who represents the residents, Pablo Fajardo, won the Goldman Environmental Prize in 2008 for his work on the case.

Mr Fajardo called Monday's 188-page ruling, which will roughly double the £5.75bn fine if Chevron does not admit wrongdoing in the next 14 days, a "triumph of justice", saying he was only disappointed that the level of damages wasn't higher. "Today's judgment affirms what the plaintiffs have contended for the past 18 years about Chevron's intentional and unlawful contamination of Ecuador's rainforest," he added. "Rather than accept that responsibility, Chevron has launched a campaign of warfare against the Ecuadorean courts and the impoverished victims of its unfortunate practices."

Despite its earlier efforts to have the case held in Ecuador, Chevron now claims that the local court system is institutionally corrupt. Using undercover investigators with hidden recording devices, it claims to have found proof of illegal collusion between the plaintiffs and the judges. "The evidence of fraud on the part of the plaintiffs' lawyers is overwhelming," said a spokesman. "We intend to see that the perpetrators of this fraud are held accountable for their misconduct."

Analysts think it unlikely that Chevron, which reported earnings of $19bn last year, will agree to pay any damages, since the cost of continuing to appeal is far less than the amount it would have to pay to settle. However, the row may be taking some of the gloss off its performance: while shares in BP and Shell rose yesterday, Chevron's stock was down by about 1 per cent in early afternoon trade in New York.
