







instead of<>代替

stay up<>熬夜


concentrate on<>专注于




at present<>目前







old people's home<> 老人院




in the way<>在路上







care about<>关心







1. used to do sth. 过去常常做某事

2. be afraid of 害怕

3. from time to time 时常;有时

4. turn red 变红

5. take up 开始做,从事,占据(时间、空间)

6. deal with 对付;应付

7. not…any more 不再

8. tons of attention 很多关注

9. worry about 担心

10. be careful 当心

11. hang out 闲逛

12. give up 放弃

13. thank about 考虑

14. a very small number of… 极少数的……

15. be alone 独处

16. give a speech 做演讲


1. ①问路常用的句子:

Do you know where is … ?

Can you tell me how can I get to …?

Could you tell me how to get to …?

②Can/Could/Will/Would you please tell me sth. 表示十分客气地询问事情

③Could you tell me how to get to the park? 请你告诉我怎么才能去邮局好吗?

上面句子中的how to get to the park是疑问词与动词不定式连用,用作宾语,但不是宾语从句(这一点要搞清楚,它不是宾语从句),相当于how I can get to the park(宾语从句)

I don't know how to solve the problem=I don't know how I can solve the problem. 我不知道如何解决这个问题

Can you tell me when to leave? =Can you tell me when I will leave? 你能告诉我什么时候离开?

2. 日常交际用语:

take the elevator / escalator to the … floor 乘电梯/自动扶梯到…楼

turn left / right == take a left / right 向左/ 右转

go straight 向前直走(straight这个词经常考)

3. next to 旁边、紧接着(常见短语)

Lily is next to Ann. 莉莉就在安的旁边。

4. between…and… 在…和…之间

Lily is between Ann and Tom. 莉莉就在安和汤姆的之间。

5. Is that a good place to hang out? 那是不是一个闲荡的好地方?

上面句子中的to hang out修饰前面的名词place,是不定式作定语。

6. expensive 贵的 反义词:inexpensive 不贵的

7. crowded 拥挤的 反义词:uncrowded 不拥挤的

8. take a vacation == go on a vacation 去度假

9. dress up 打扮 dress up as 打扮成

He wanted to dress up as Father Christmas. 他想要打扮成圣诞老人。

10. on the beach 在海滩上,介词用 on

11. depend on 根据、依靠、依赖、取决于

Living things depend on the sunlight. 生物对阳光有依赖性。

That depends on how you did it. 那取决于你怎样做这件事。

12. prefer 动词,更喜欢、宁愿,常用的结构有:

prefer sth. 更喜欢某事

I prefer English. 我更喜欢英语。

prefer doing/to do 宁愿做某事

I prefer sitting/ to sit.我宁愿坐着。

prefer sth to sth. 同…相比更喜欢…

I prefer dogs to cats. 与猫相比我更喜欢狗。

prefer doing sth to doing sth 宁愿做某事而不愿做某事

I prefer walking to sitting. 我宁愿走路也不愿坐着。

prefer to do sth rather than do sth 宁愿做某事而不愿做某事

I prefer to work rather than be free. 我宁愿工作而不愿闲着。


13. on the other hand 另一方面(一方面:on one hand. 对于这样的短语大家完全可以放在作文中,这样可以使文章增色不少)

14. 把…借给某人:lend sb. sth. = lend sth to sb.(反义词:borrow..from..)

Lily lent me her book = Lily lent her book to me . 莉莉把她的书借给了我。

15. I'm sorry to do sth. 对做某事我觉得很抱歉、伤心。

16. in a way 在某种程度说

17. in order to do srh 为了…, 表目的。

He got up early in order to catch the first bus. 他起早床,是为了赶上头班公共汽车。

18. 同级比较:as…as...

as + 形容词/副词原级 + as , 表示“和…一样的…”

He works as hard as we. 他工作和我们同样努力。




1.That's_______ used car which is often used_______ Mr. Grey.

A. an; by B. a; by C. an; with D. a; with

2. I wonder________ the machine without any help that day.

A. how did he mend B. how he mends

C. how he mended D. how does he mend

3. If H2 burns in O2 ,we can get _________

A. H2 B. H2O C. O2 D. H2O2

4. We_________ six days a week, but we only work five days now.

A. used to work B. used work

C. used to working D. use to work

5. —Jack failed to pass the final exam.


A. That's OK B. Congratulations

C. No problem D. Oh, I'm sorry to hear that

6. Tom wants to have his hair________ tomorrow.

A. to cut B. cutting C. cut D. cuts

7. The old man lives______, so he often feels______.

A. alone; alone B. alone; lonely

C. lonely; lonely D. lonely; alone

8. How long did it take the vet _______ injections to all the chickens?

A. to give B. giving C. he gives D. gave

9. —Can I help you?

—Yes, I'm looking for a pair of jeans.

—______ do you want?

— Size 29, I think.

A. What size B. What number

C. How large D. How long

10. I've ordered a digital camera. It will be________ me soon.

A. sent out B. sent off C. sent to D. sent for

11. —________ trees usually_______ in May?

— No, we usually plant trees in March.

A. Do; plant B. Have ; planted

C. Have; been planted D. Are ; planted

12. That's________ wonderful film that it's well worth________ a second time.

A. such ; seeing B. so; seeing

C. such a; seeing D. so a; being seen

13. The man found ________ very difficult to get to sleep.

A. it B. that C. what D. them

14. The teacher told the students_______ in class.

A. not talk B. don't talk

C. don't to talk D. not to talk

15. We're very tired. Let's stop_________

A. having a rest B. have rest

C. have a rest D. to have a rest

二、完形填空 根据短文内容,从 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的答案。(10分)

Mr. Green heard that a certain government department(政府部门)wanted a clerk(职员), 16 he wrote and 17 the position(职位). But while he was waiting for 18 , a friend of his introduced(介绍)him to the head of the department. And the head at once gave him 19 .

Several months 20 , 21 Mr. Green was working in the department, he got a letter from his old address. This letter said,

“Dear Sir,

We are 22 to have to tell you that we cannot offer(提供)you the work in this department because we do not think that you would 23 do the job successfully(成功地).

Yours Faithfully,

Mr. Green laughed, but when he looked at the letter more 24 he was 25 to see that he signed(签名)it himself!

16. A. but B. so C. or D. and

17. A. go ready for B. looked for

C. took D. asked for

18. A. an answer B. his friend

C. the position D. the head

19. A. the pay B. the address

C. the work D. a letter

20. A. later B. ago C. before D. since

21. A. so B. then C. while D. after

22. A. happy B. sorry C. sure D. pleased

23. A. have to B. love to

C. be glad to D. be able to

24. A. quietly B. Politely C. carefully D. quickly

25. A. worried B. lucky C. sad D. surprised

三、阅读理解 阅读下列短文,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能完成所给句子的答案。(25分)


The sea is a new world to us. And it is a big place. There is more to learn about it all the time. We know that some strange fish live in it.

One of the strangest is the angler(琵琶鱼). It lives deep down in the sea. The water there is very cold. And it is as dark as night.

The female(雌性) angler knows a good way to catch food. She goes fishing!

She has her own fishing line. It grows out the top of her head. It hangs down in front of her mouth. The tip of her line looks bright in the dark water. The tip of her line is her bait(鱼饵).

Hungry fish see her bait. They think it is food to eat. A hungry fish will swim closer and closer. It swims right at the bait. Then the angler closes her mouth. Snap! That’s the end of that fish.

The female angler grows quite large. She may be longer than your arm. But the male is very small. He is about as long as a finger.

Soon after he is born, the male fish starts to look for female. When he finds her, he holds onto her side with mouth. Soon his mouth grows into her side. Now he will not get lost in the dark.

The male angler has no fishing line. He does not need one. The female does the fishing for him. And he gets his food through her.

The angler is just one of the strange fish in the sea. There are many more. Some fish are round like balls. Some are long and flat. Some fish ride on the backs of others. And each day we learn more about life in the sea.


26 The angler fish’s bait is ____________________.

A. its fishing line B. its open mouth

C. some small fish D. the tip of its fishing line

27. The male angler fish __________________.

A. has a short fishing line

B. is longer than your arm

C. holds onto the female with his mouth

D. is stronger than the female fish

28 The male angler does not fish because _________.

A. he doesn’t like to fish

B. the female does it for him

C. he gets lost in the dark

D. he is very lazy

29 Hungry fish swim close to the angler because __________________.

A. they think her bait is food

B. they are not afraid of the angler

C. they think the angler cannot see them

D. they think the male angler isn’t there

30. Which is the best title for this text? ___________.

A. The Sea, a New world

B. A Strange Fish

C. How the Angler Fishes

D. Deep Down in the Sea


Henry was born in a village. His father has a small farm. He works hard. But the weather is bad. It hasn't rained for a long time and they can't get enough food. Sometimes their family are hungry. So the boy can't go to school. He has to help his parents work in the fields, too. His parents have many things to do on the farm and they have no time to teach him how to be a polite boy. He often says something impolite and it makes everyone angry.

The boy's aunt has a lot of money. She often helps the family and gives the boy some fruit and clothes, so he likes her very much. It was his uncle's birthday yesterday. Henry's parents went there with some presents. They didn't want to take Henry there with them. The boy was angry. His mother told him to be polite if he wanted to go with them. The boy listened to her, and together they went.

Henry's uncle was very happy that day. A lot of friends of the boy's uncle's came to his birthday party. Henry ate some fruit, cakes and meat. And he was polite before he left. His parents were happy, too.

When the party was over, Henry said, "I said nothing impolite today. It'll have nothing to do with me if my uncle dies next month!"


31. Henry's father is a f _______. He works hard, but the family are h_______ sometimes because the weather hasn't been r_______ for a long time.

32. Henry doesn't go to school because he wants to help his father do some f_______ w__________.

33. Henry often says something impolite and it makes everyone a ______ because his parents are too b__________ to teach him how to be polite.

34. Henry likes his aunt because she often gives him some f________ and c_________.

35. Henry's parents were very happy because Henry said n ______ i _______ before he left.



36. She said that loud music made her s________ out.

37. -- What do you think of air p ______?

-- It's quite harmful to living things.

38. You'd better c_______ prices in another store, before you want to buy something expensive.

39 Have you ever played a musical i_______?

40. They have never been to China before and can h_______ speak any Chinese.

41. I have never o_________, but yesterday my alarm clock didn't go off.

42. Nancy is a young lady who wants to be a p________ singer.


43. The train________ already ________ when I got there.

44.While I______ a letter, the telephone_______.

45. The old man should_______ after well.

46. He said that they _______ an important meeting as soon as they arrived.

47. --How long _______ your mother_______ in this school?

--Since 1990.


48. He didn't leave anything and went out.

He went out______ ________ anything.

49. You should turn the radio down while the baby is asleep.

The radio should_______ _______down while the baby is asleep.

50. The boy is too weak to carry the box.

The boy is not _______ ________ to carry the box.

51. He remembers things clearly.

He has a _________ _______.


A. That’s great. B. That’s really bad excuse!

C: We all learn from mistakes, don’t you? D: No, it isn’t.

E: Only a few words. F: Sure. Sometimes they do.

G: Yes, unless they’re busy.

〔The girl(G) has talked with some foreign teachers at the English corner. Now she is telling her English teacher(T) about it.〕

G: I’ve just been to the English Corner.

T: Oh? ___52____ Did you talk with Ben and Andy?

G: ___53___ And I’m not sure if they understood me.

T: No problem. You have had a good start.

G: But I’m afraid of making mistakes when I speak.

T: ___54___ Be confident of yourself.

G: But do you think they like to talk with us beginners?

T: _______55__________

G: Well, I’m still not so confident. You know my pronunciation is poor.

T: _____56____ Try to talk with them as much as possible.

G: All right. Thank you, sir.



Time: Saturday (April 14) Place: the People’s Park

Transportation(交通工具): By bus Arrival Time (到达时间): 8:30 a.m.

Programme: rowing boats, swimming, English Corner

Return Time: 4:30 p.m.



一、 1--5 BCBAD 6--10 CBAAC 11--15 DCADD

二、 16--20 BDACA 21--25 CBDCD

三、 (A) 26--30 DCBAB

(B) 31 farmer; hungry; rainy 32. farm work 33. angry; busy

34. fruit; clothes 35. nothing impolite

四、 36. stressed 37. pollution 38. compare 39. instrument 40. hardly

41. overslept 42. professional 43. had, left 44. was writing; rang

45. be looked 46. would have 47. has, taught

五、 48. without leaving 49. be turned 50. strong enough 51. good memory

六、52.That’s great. 53. Only a few words. 54. We all learn from mistakes, don’t you?

55. Yes, unless they’re busy. 56. That’s really bad excuse!

七、One possible version:

Hello, everyone. I have something to tell you. Please listen carefully.

We are going to have a field trip to the People’s Park this Saturday. That is on April 14. We will go there by bus at 7:00 in the morning. We’ll get there at about 8:30.

In the morning we will go boating and swimming. We are going to have lunch in a bar. In the afternoon we’ll have English Corner. Of course you may take some photos. We’ll return at 4:30 in the afternoon. Hope we’ll have a wonderful time.

That’s all, thank you for listening.


本学期英语期末考试的重点是1-10单元。以单元为单位、以单元试卷为载体,每天复习 2个单元。具体复习计划如下:














