




  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Playing sports will teach people important lessons about their lives. 是否同意竞技体育教给人们生活的经验?(2016年4月23日托福写作题目)


  Playing sports teaches more about life. 竞技体育教给人们更多的生活的经验?

  【作家立场】 竞技体育是积累人生经验的重要方式之一,但是,不是唯一的途径。


  ① 生活经验还包括包括家务管理能力、 危机处理能力、自我决策能力、自我保护意识等,这些不是竞技体育传播的。例如,我在美国游学,住在寄宿家庭,就学会如何与周围的人交往和交流,也锻炼了自己的危机处理和自我决策能力、

  ② 竞技体育也是帮助人们积累人生的智慧和经验。具体而言,不懈追求完美,团队精神,合作意识,竞争意识等,这些都是竞技体育可以传递的。





  四段:让步原题观点的合理性 + 加以反驳



  【首段】背景介绍 + 争议焦点 + 作家立场

  Currently,the awareness of healthier lifestyle enables increasing numbers of people to render more concerns over physical exercises. A great many people are fond of watching various sports competitions or diving into diverse physical activities. However, people have been debating, for many years, whether or not sports events could help people to acquire more knowledge about life. As I see it, sports activities could greatly conduce to enriching one's experience of the world in some aspects, but not in all fields.


  For a start,not all the life experience could be learnt by sports events, the acquisition of life experience still comes from many other channels. One possible way is through traveling. More precisely, one might be seduced into buying some fake or unqualified goods and thus fall into various consumption traps during the process of participating in the tour organized by travel agency. Nevertheless, a fall into the pit, a gain in your wit,one's self-protection could be strengthened after the unpleasant and bitter experience.


  This debate reminds me of my own story. Another crucial ability everyone has to learn is the household management ability. Studying abroad is an effective way for those youngsters to develop and cultivate this competence. In the summer vacation of 2015, I stayed in a homestay family in the America, I had to tackle many arduous tasks by myself such as tidying up the room, doing the washing or cooking for myself. Virtually,this sort of experience greatly chastened my adaptability and viability


  Sure enough,I have to concede that a sea of life experiences, wisdom and philosophy could be acquired via taking part in sports activities. After all, every sports event has its own charm. Take basketball as an example, every individual ranging from spectator to player could benefit from the sportsmanship they show or appreciate such as the teamwork spirit, cooperation and the tenacious spirit. Also, sports help people foster useful group skills such as coordination and strategies. These skills can help them in their later lives and also in their careers. Eventually, the constant endeavors after each failure in sports competition could inspire people to brave new challenges. What I want to rebut that, however, is that there are still wisdom or lesson could not be obtained by sports events.


  In closing, I re-affirm my conviction that although lessons about life could be acquired by sports competition, it is not the sole channel. Traveling or living alone and many other ways still have a key role to play in imparting life lessons.



  Some people believe that video games could inspire young students’ interest and make their study more efficient rather than distracting them and a waste of time, so young students should be allowed to play video games. Do you agree or disagree? 有人认为游戏可以激发学生的学习兴趣,提高他们学习效率,而不是分散他们的精力和浪费他们的时间,是否认同? (2016年1月23日)






  1 鼓励孩子们玩游戏的利好

  ① 丰富多彩的游戏节目成为很多学生缓解压力,释放情绪的一种有效方式。设想,孩子们在校努力学习,课后读补习班,作业繁重,鲜有大量的时间休闲娱乐,玩游戏可令学生们暂时忘记现实生活中的烦恼和压力。

  ② 一些竞技类的游戏其实是锻炼玩家的反应能力和布局能力的,因此,学生玩家也会培养多方面能力,例如手眼并用,危机处理,团队协作等。

  ③ 有些游戏的设计,以学习为导向,寓教于乐,让玩家在娱乐中学习知识,这也可以提高他们的学习效率,激发他们的学习热情。

  2 鼓励孩子们玩游戏的弊端

  ① 学生们的主要任务是学习知识,考虑到孩子们的自律性较差,允许孩子们玩优秀容易使他们分散精力,耽误学习。

  ② 过度沉迷游戏有害健康,具体而言,玩家会视力下降,养成懒惰和久坐的生活习惯,不愿从事户外运动,因而导致肥胖。然而,户外运动是更好的方式放松身心,提高学习效率。

  ③ 少儿不宜的游戏内容是精神鸦片。暴力,色情,血腥的信息,对于成长中的年轻人而言,毒害其心灵,误导人生观,诱发暴力冲动,导致校园欺凌或少年犯罪的上升,可能会危害社会。


  【首段】背景介绍 + 争议焦点 + 作家立场

  Computer games like many other prevailing entertaining activities are look down up by many parents as time-wasters. However, it is true that video games have been exerting a peculiar fascination on a great many people young players. Perhaps that is why people differ greatly in their stands as to whether students should be allowed to play video games. As I see it, it is no need to stop students from playing games so long as we properly arrange and control their game time.


  1. Video games have been exerting a peculiar fascination on a great many people young player. 一直以来,电子游戏都对年轻的玩家极有吸引力。

  2. It is no need to stop students from playing games so long as we properly arrange and control their game time. 我认为,只要可以合理安排和控制学生们游戏时间,阻止他们玩游戏也是没有必要的。


  To be sure, some problems invariably ensue if students excessively indulge in the computer games. First, violent video games are always blamed by the media as the reason why some teenage players become aggressive and even conduct some anti-social offenses. Also, the craziness about games is physically detrimental because players tend to reduce physical activities, thus, the sedentary lifestyle would increase the likelihood of obesity. Eventually, many parents are worried that the study will be delayed. The sole task of students is to update their knowledge. Youngsters will regret it for the rest of their lives if they fail to utilize their precious youth.


  1. some problems invariably ensue 一些问题随之而来

  2. conduct some anti-social offenses 做出反社会行为

  3. The study will be delayed 会耽误学习。


  However,there is no reason to throw out the child along with the bath. Seen from the positive aspects, students can still become the beneficiaries of computer games provided that they can play in a proper way. Initially, some mental techniques trained by video games include: quick reaction, teamwork strategy, crisis-solving abilities, hand-eye coordination and so on. This kind of goal-driving experience will influence the players’ future life positively. Also, proper game time can, to some extent, help teenagers relieve their strain triggered by tight academic study. Imaginably, the study efficiency can be improved if one can vent his or her negative emotions. Last, some learning-oriented games can still facilitate students’ study, it is a good thing if players can acquire knowledge in a relaxing way.


  1. This kind of goal-driving experience will influence the players’ future life positively. 以目标为驱动的经历会在未来对玩家产生积极的影响。

  2. The study efficiency can be improved if one can vent his or her negative emotions. 如果一个人可以释放其不良情绪,学习效率也会提高。

  3. Some learning-oriented games can still facilitate students’ study 一些以学习为导向的游戏也会辅助学业。


  In closing,whether the impacts that computer games exert on players are positive or negative largely depends on how students treat games. There are many benefits for people to play video games, as for students, they should control the time,excessive indulgence is unwise.


  Whether the impacts that computer games exert on players are positive or negative largely depends on how students treat games. 玩游戏的影响是积极还是消极,很大程度上取决于玩家对待它们的方式。



  The movies are worth watching only if they can teach something in real life, to what extent do you agree or disagree? 只有使我们在真实生活中学到东西的电影才值得看,你在多大程度上同意这个观点?(2016年5月28日)


  Only movies that can teach us something about real life are worth watching,to what extent do you agree or disagree? 只有教会我们认知真实生活的电影才是值得关注的,你在多大程度上同意这个观点?(2013年9月1日)





  ① 科幻电影:探究未知,满足好奇是人之本性,这就是为什么很多年轻人喜欢看科幻类的电影。我个人就是科幻电影的发烧友,因为科幻电影可以激发我的想象能力,满足我的好奇心,加深我对于未知世界的洞察。

  ② 喜剧电影:现代人生存压力大,观影其实是很多人忘却现实烦恼以及放松身心的一种方式,因此,观看喜剧电影就是很好的缓解压力的方式。电影中的幽默元素舒缓紧张情绪,培养人的幽默感,甚至可以令人在欢笑中思考生活,以乐观态度面对生活。


  ① 当一部电影可以反映最真实的生活的时候,它可以引发观影者共鸣,因此,一些人喜欢观看现实主义的电影, 一些纪录片就是很好的例证。以我为例,我也很喜欢类似于《站台》,《小武》这样的写实主义电影,它们描绘的场景很多再现了我成长的岁月的片段,因此,观看这类电影也是一种温暖的回忆,同时,它们加深了我对于现实生活的洞察。


  1. Such is human nature to explore the unknown 探究未知是人之本性

  2. One man's meat is another man's poison 萝卜青菜,各有所爱。

  3. People's tastes differ greatly in their choice of favorite movies 选择自己喜欢的电影,人们的品味差异很大。

  4. science fiction movie 科幻电影

  5. a fancier of science fiction movie 科幻电影的发烧友

  6. I take great pleasure in watching movies that depict the future world 我以观赏描述未来世界的电影为乐趣。

  7. meet one's sense of curiosity 满足一个人的好奇心

  8. stir one's vivid imagination = stimulate one's vivid imagination 激发一个人丰富的想象力

  9. foster my keen analytical mode of thinking 培养我敏锐的分析能力

  10. deepen my insight into the future world 加深我对于未来世界的洞察

  11. Watching comedy movies is an effective way to relax one's body and ease one's mind 观看喜剧电影是有效的一种有效的放松身心的方式。

  12. make one have a pleasant character 使一个人性格开朗

  13. cultivate one's sense of humor 培养一个人的幽默感

  【拓展】cultivate = foster = develop 培养

  14. It is worthwhile to appreciate those movies that could mirror the reality of life 反映现实的生活的电影是值得欣赏的。

  【解析】worthwhile adj有价值的

  【拓展】is worth doing sth = be worthy of doing sth值得做……

  15. Some documentary films greatly arouse my sympathy. 一些纪录片极大地引起了我的共鸣

  【解析】sympathy n 同情心,共鸣

  16. make us have a deeper understanding about life 加深我们对于生活的理解。

  17. films that mirror real life = movies that reflect real life 反映真实生活的电影

  18. The nostalgic theme of the movie called up my warm memory of growth 电影怀旧的主题唤醒了我成长岁月的温暖记忆。

  【拓展】nostalgic = retrospective adj 怀旧的

  19. After enjoying this thought-provoking movie, I benefited a great deal, it gave me a kind of invisible power and taught me to remain cheerful in time of adversity 观赏了这部令人思考的电影,我收益良多,我获得一种无形的力量,电影教会我在逆境中保持乐观。

  【解析】《肖申克的救赎 》的教育意义

  【解析】remain cheerful in time of adversity 逆境保持乐观

  【解析】thought-provoking adj 令人思考的

  20. I learn to brave life challenges optimistically 我学会了乐观地面对生活的挑战。

