


Task 4


vigilance 只有一只动物的时候他花在观察predator的时间长,觅食的东西就少,一群动物的话就可以找到更多吃的,举的例子是一种黑色猴子



Vigilance refers to the ability to maintain attention and alertness over prolonged periods of time. The professor talks about a kind of black monkey. If there’s only one monkey, it would spend a lot of time observing the predators and much less time finding food; if there are a whole bunch of monkeys, then they would find more food to survive.


Task 3


教授准备取消engineer tutorials,因找不到volunteer,学生看起来也没有提升,男生说可以让phd去做tutor,他们qualified,正好他们每学期也必须要做一次tutorial。他俩都觉得很有用,尤其工程课上的阅读部分。



The professor plans to discontinue the engineering tutorials for lack of volunteers and no clear evidence for improvements from the students. The boy disagrees with the proposal as he thinks that PhD students are qualified enough to be the tutors, and they gotta have the tutorial this semester, which could be helpful to the students, especially for the reading section in the engineering class.


Task 6


商科讲座,介绍两种bonds,如何带来loyal customers,保证顾客忠诚度。第一种personal/social bond,和商人的个人关系,举例在理发店沙龙里,个人发型师和客人聊天,客人觉得他们很nice,所以就想常来。第二种business/financial bond,定期打折吸引顾客购买特定产品,如打印纸和回形针,一个公司会给客人10%折扣,客人更愿意来。



Businesses develop loyal customers by establishing bonds and connections with their clients. The professor introduces two types of bonds. One is called personal/social bond, which is formed between the employees and the clients on an individual level, like, in a hair salon, the stylists would often chat with customers, asking about their interest, so the customers would feel that they are really nice and feel like they are having a personal friendly relationship, so that they may want to frequent the salon a lot. The other type of bond is called business/financial bond that a company uses to attract customers to buy certain products or services by offering them special discounts or benefits, say, a company that gives customers 10% off to sell printing papers and clips. In this way, the company attracts more customers to buy their goods.


Task 5





The girl locks her key in the dorm and couldn’t get in, but she needs to write a paper on sociology, and her outline is left in the dorm. Her roomie is having a rehearsal with the orchestra right now, so she could either go to the library and wait for her roomie, or go find her roomie for the key to unlock the door. I’d take the first option, cause it’s impolite to bump into the rehearsal and interrupt her roomie, which could be embarrassing; it would be much better if she prepares her paper in the library and wait for her roomie there, as she could check up for some reference and info which may be helpful for her research. Even tho she doesn’t have her outline at hand, it won’t be a big deal, since she could still make the best use of her time in the library, and I’m sure that it won’t be long before her roomie finishes her rehearsal.


Which volunteer job are you interested in?

Tutoring other students; Teaching adults to read; Providing the old with transportation.

Which one of the following volunteer work would you prefer doing? Tutoring children, driving senior citizens around or teaching adults to read?




Sample response:

As far as I’m concerned, I’m interested in tutoring other students due to the following reasons.

Firstly, I have the experience to teach other students English and Chinese. And I know how to communicate with them by using proper teaching methods. In addition, to be a teacher in the future is my dream job. So it will be a good opportunity for me to improve myself in tutoring skills. And I will accumulate more experience in teaching and getting along with children.


12月20日托福口语真题Task 1

I would choose to drive senior citizens around for the following reasons. Firstly, senior citizens are the group of people that need our help the most. Take my grandfather for example, he’s 86 years old and he loves getting out of the house, he especially enjoys going to a café downtown where he meets with his friends regularly. But sometimes it can be really challenging for him, like last week it was snowing for like 3 days and it was icy on the ground outside, so he couldn’t go anywhere, he was so upset that he was stuck at home. But if there were volunteers to drive him to places he wants to go, he wouldn’t have had to suffer. Plus, it’s nice to spend some time with senior citizens. Some young people but find it dull to talk to the elderly, but I always enjoy chatting with them, my grandfather for instance can always bring interesting topics to the table and he always cracks me up.

