



  1.时间的推移,只是让我更加的对你依恋。the passage of time, just let me more attachment to you

  2.彼此相爱的人,并不是永永远远都能在一起,只要心中有他就够了。people who love each other are not always together, as long as they have him in their hearts

  3.结婚,如果连婚前的生活水准都保不住,还不如别结了!marriage, if the standard of living before marriage can not be maintained, it is better not to marry!

  4.每个人,都有一个世界;每首歌,都有一个故事。everyone has a world; every song has a story

  5.如果有一天你不再爱我了,我会安静的离开。if one day you no longer love me, i will leave quietly

  6.我们经历了甜蜜,可是经不起平淡。we've experienced sweetness, but we can't stand insipidity

  7.梦以碎,心还在,曾经的一切多么飘渺。dreams are broken, hearts are still there, once everything is so vague

  8.谁说的,人非要快乐不可,好像快乐由得人选择。who said, people must be happy, as if happiness is to be chosen by others

  9.一个人负心,或许是因为他的记忆力不好。perhaps a person is disappointed because his memory is not good

  10.如果你真的喜欢我,请你不要辜负我的一片痴心。if you really like me, please don't let me down

  11.我们的回忆太美,终究使我放不下对你的思念。our memories are so beautiful that i can't let go of my yearning for you

  12.有时候依赖会变成依爱,那时候或许我已经赖定你了,是吧。sometimes dependence turns into dependence maybe i already depended on you, right?

  13.你给我一滴眼泪,我就看到了你心中全部的海洋。you give me a tear and i see all the ocean in your heart

  14.我就是喜欢一边心如明镜知道一切实情一边装傻充愣看你们演戏。i just like to pretend to be stunned by your acting while knowing everything like a mirror

  15.最大的幸福莫过于三件事:有人信你,有人陪你,有人等你。the greatest happiness is nothing more than three things: someone believes in you, someone accompanies you, someone waits for you

  16.我还没有坚强到,可以自己来抗所有犯下的错。i'm not strong enough to fight all the mistakes i've made

  17.我刹车驻足,用尽全力去忘,回忆能死我绝不阻挡。i brake and stop, try my best to forget, memories can die i will never stop

  18.不能坦白地放声哭喊,要从心底拿走一个人很痛很难。it's hard to take a person from the bottom of my heart without crying frankly

  19.为何你总是不从注意,我的天空早已满是伤痕。why don't you always notice that my sky is full of scars

  20.我不需要山盟海誓,只需要你陪我走过每个春夏秋冬。i don't need a vow, just you accompany me through every spring, summer, autumn and winter

  21.如果没有你的爱,活着的目标将难复再。without your love, the goal of living will never be again

  22.我们终于可以用陌生人的关系,一辈子都在一起。finally, we can use the relationship of strangers, together for a lifetime

  23.岁月你别催,该来的我不推。岁月你别催,走远的我不追。don't rush for years, i won't push you when it's time to come don't rush for years, i won't chase you far away

  24.分开的手,可以再牵。分开的心,如何再连。separate hands can be pulled again separate heart, how to connect again

  25.所有爱着的人,爱过的人,都做着同一件事,犯贱。all loved ones and loved ones do the same thing and commit humiliation

  26.刚刚好,看见你幸福的样子,于是幸福着你的幸福。just in time, see you happy, so happy with your happiness

  27.我只想好好和你在一起,不要和我说分手。i just want to be with you, don't break up with me

  28.世界真的很小,好像一转身,就让我们相遇了。the world is really small it seems that as soon as we turn around, we will meet

  29.有些人注定是等待别人的,有些人是注定被人等的。some people are doomed to wait for others, others are doomed to be waited for

  30.不愿意承诺,只有在孤单的时候,才会想起最最熟悉的你。not willing to commit, only when lonely, will you remember the most familiar

  31.爱,直至成伤之后就是永远的对不起,即使你感觉不到我。love, until it hurts, is always sorry, even if you can't feel me

  32.谁送你玫瑰谁令你笑靥如花,谁为你单膝跪地戴上婚戒披上婚纱。who gives you roses, who makes you laugh like flowers, who kneels on one knee for you to wear a wedding ring and put on a wedding dress

  33.平实无华的日子,相爱的人不会因为一句分手而结束。on plain days, people who love each other will not end up with a breakup

  34.是不是因为心痛的麻木了,我才笑得最美丽。is it because of the numbness of heartache that i laugh most beautifully?

  35.我谈过最长的恋爱,就是自恋,我爱自己,没有情敌。the longest love i've ever talked about is narcissism i love myself and have no rivals

  36.翻着我们的照片,想念若隐若现,去年的冬天,我们笑得很甜。looking through our pictures, missing is faint last winter, we laughed sweetly

  37.又开始怀疑自己的决定了,我到底能做成什么?i began to doubt my decision again what can i do?

  38.如果没法忘记他,就不要忘记好了。真正的忘记,是不需要努力的。if you can't forget him, don't forget him true forgetfulness requires no effort

  39.每个人都有深藏心里的秘密,比如说,我还爱着你。everyone has a secret in his heart for example, i still love you

  40.幸福,是一种有节制的满足。满足,本就是一种莫大的福气。happiness is a kind of restrained satisfaction satisfaction is a great blessing

  41.阳光,直射进我的房间,而我却不曾感到一丝丝的温暖。sunshine, straight into my room, but i did not feel a trace of warmth

  42.得不到你所爱的,就爱你所得的。if you don't get what you love, love what you get

  43.断了的琴弦,弹奏着畴前,一路走过的线路没有终点。broken strings, playing in the past, all the way through the line has no end

  44.爱情同样是一个游戏,但它控制你,你不能控制它。love is also a game, but it controls you, you can't control it

  45.愿对你的思念融入雨滴,打湿你的肩头。may the yearning for you melt into the rain and wet your shoulders

  46.do you know there is someone thinking of you and caring you all the time your smiling eyes are just like the sparkling stars hanging on the curtain of my heart 你知道么,有个人时时想念着你,惦记你,你含笑的眼睛,象星光闪闪,缀在我的心幕上,夜夜亮晶晶。

  47.if we dream, everything is possible。 敢于梦想,一切都将成为可能。

  48.precious things are very few in this world。 that is the reason there is just one you。在这世上珍贵的东西总是罕有,所以这世上只有一个你。

  49.who travels for love finds a thousand miles not longer than one在爱人眼里,一千里的旅程不过一里。

  50.the sandflass remembers the time we lost沙漏记得`我们遗忘的时光。