




  参考事迹:法国著名哲学家,数学家,物理学家,同时对气象,生物等学科都做出了许多研究,解析几何的创立者。提出了"普遍怀疑" 原则,认为要清除由传统得来的偏见,其办法就是怀疑。他说:"要追求真理,我们必须在一生中尽可能地把所有事物都来怀疑一次."

  他认为怀疑本身就是一种思想活动,提出了"我思故我在"( I think, therefore I am ) 的著名公式。不过笛卡尔的怀疑是清除不确定东西的一种手段,和以怀疑为目的,根本不判断的怀疑是不同的。

  利用点:我思故我在(怀疑论精髓内容),挑战权威等。"Students should bring a certain skepticism to whatever they study. They should question what they are taught instead of accepting it passively." "The well-being of a society is enhanced when many of its people question authority." "To remain vigorous, any academic field needs to be led by truly independent thinkers who are willing to ignore established boundaries and challenge long-standing assumptions."



  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Two people can become good friends even if one of them has more money than the other.


  At present, a popular Chinese entertainment plot is that a poor boy and a rich girl who, after a long time of suffering, eventually become friends. Could this type of fairy-tale story happen in reality? Personally, I do not think it very likely. In other words, I believe that people who possess huge sums of money and people living in poverty find it very hard to be friends, for they have different goals and lifestyles.

  Firstly, a different goal in life between the rich and the poor make it nearly impossible for them to be friends. For the poor, the only living goal may be to make a decent life; for the rich, they may be more concerned with how to continue a business or increase profits. Someone from a poor family will often have the same dream as his father: to be able to buy a spacious apartment and a nice car and have a happy family. Those from rich families have interests beyond these basic needs: meeting celebrities or other networking opportunities, increasing social status, or worry about investments and government relationships. Thus the whole focus of life may be completely different.

  Secondly, even something as simple as entertainment can be completely different between the wealthy and the poor, affecting their attitude toward life. They take part in different leisure activities when they get free time. After finishing his ordinary working-class job, Tom generally goes back home and stays with his wife and kids. For his family, the happiest thing is to sit together and watch soap operas in front of TV. John, a wealthy man, entertains himself quiet differently after work. Almost every weekend, John goes to the golf course to enjoy the fresh air and indulge himself. Since the ways that they spend their spare time are so different, it means that they have a great distinction of their attitudes toward life. With such a distinction, it seems very ridiculous to expect that people like Tom and John could be friends.

  Admittedly, the rich and the poor can meet in some other contexts. For instance, they might attend some of the same colleges and take the same courses, which means they can talk to each other in some occasions. However, such communication alone does not result in a reliable friendship. As we all know, to form a reliable friendship, people have to experience many challenges together. Having different goals and lifestyles makes it difficult to experience the same things.

  In conclusion, as the differences in goals and lifestyles are so huge, I believe it is normally impossible for the rich and the poor to become good friends.



  poetry analysis (n.) 诗歌分析

  core meaning (n.) 核心思想

  skim (n.) 略读

  stanza (n.) 诗歌章节

  craft (n.) 艺术手法

  rhhyme scheme (n.) 韵律;韵脚

  ode (n.) 颂诗

  metaphor (n.) 暗喻;隐喻


  rigorously (adv.) 缜密地

  investigative approach 探究细节法

  appreciation (n.) 理解;领会

  miss out on (v.) 漏掉;错过

  jump to a cpnclusion (v.) 贸然下结论

  disciplined critical skills (n.) 训练有素的批判技能

  extrace meaning from... (v.) 从……中推测含义

  be adept at... (v.) 擅长于……

  nuance (n.) 微妙之处;细微差别

  doing... a disservice (v.) 对……不利

  tedisous (a.) 枯燥的;乏味的

  worth this risk (n.) 可能的事;值得一搏的事

  meaningful (a.) 有意义的

  figurative language (a.) 形象化的语言

  long-winded analysis (a.) 冗长的分析

  hone (v.) 改进;(喻)打磨

  parrot (v.) 鹦鹉学舌


  X has a lot to teach us.

  They fail to realize that only through the benefits of X can one gain a deeper appreciation of Y.

  Also, by carefully analyzing X, students become aware of Y.

  Third and last, X trains young people to develop Y skills that can applied not only to X, but to Z, and even to personal and work settings.


  The reading is correct in saying that X...

  First off, let's take X

  And what about things like X and Y such as Z?

  As for the value of X, no doubt Y skills are good skills to hone.

  But how can X learn to V by simply V-ing?


  There is a dichotomy of opinion about X

  One school og thought, as represented by the reading, says X helps students gain a deeper appreciaton of Y.

  The opposing camp, of which the professor is a mamber, emphasizes the pitfalls of X.

  First, the professor opposes the reading's view as regards X.

  Instead, he argues that X is...

  Second, the professor disagrees with the reading on how best to V

  He discounts the importance of X and places a high value on Y

  Finally, while concurring with the importance of X, the professor takes an issue with how Y skills are Ved.


  be at risk 处在风险中

  … few of us has ever stopped to think about… 很少有人去考虑……

  be concerned about… 对…….很关注,担忧

  have a hard time doing sth. 很难实现或完成某事

  be at odds with sth. 与……不符,与……冲突

  be threatened with… 受到……的威胁

  abide by/ comply with/ conform to 遵守(法律、规定等)

  … very little, if any, … 只有很少,如果有的话

  be overly dependant/ reliant on… 对某事过度依赖的

  be hard-pressed to… = find it difficult to…

  be in short supply 供应短缺

  widen the gap between… and… 加大两者之间的差距

  in part because…/ partly because… 部分因为……

  frown on… 对……皱眉头,反对

  If… , … will ensue 如果……,某种结果将跟随而来

  … hover at high levels ……居高不下

  be inundated with sth./ be saturated with sth. 充斥着……(一般加负面的东西)

  be subject to… 经受、遭受……

  A can be attributed/ ascribed to B A可以归因于B(多用于负面)

  be susceptible to… 容易受到来自……的影响

  distract sb. from… 分散某人的注意力

  at the expense of… 以……为代价

  run contrary to 与……背道而驰

  erode the culture identity/ national pride 侵蚀文化特性/ 民族自豪感

  It’s wrong to equate… with… 把……等同于……是错误的

  be confronted with sth. 面对挑战、危机、困难等

  copy sth. mechanically 机械地抄袭

  … is not a panacea for… 某种方案并不是解决某个问题的万能药

  be addicted to sth./ be preoccupied with sth. 对负面事物上瘾

  be absorbed in…/ be engrossed in… 对……(并不一定是负面事物)上瘾

  drive up the crime rate 导致犯罪率上升

  exert detrimental influence upon/ have adverse effect on 对……有负面影响

  sth. is unwarranted/ unjustifiable 某种做法很不合理

  spin out of control 失去控制

  are not compatible with…/ are incompatible with… 与……不一致或不协调

  be likely to fall prey to/ be vulnerable to 容易成为……的受害者

  sth. should be condemned rather than condoned 某事应该被谴责而不是被宽恕

  What’s the good of…? ……又有什么好处呢?

  live in poverty/ misery/ frustration/ anxiety 生活在贫穷/ 困苦/ 沮丧/ 焦虑中

  diminish individuals’ leisure time 减少人们的休闲时间

  stifle creativity 扼杀创造力

  be afflicted by… 遭受……

  be oblivious to… 对……完全无视

  cause grave concerns 引起严重关注

  spell disaster/ trouble for… 某事意味着灾难/ 麻烦

  deprive someone of sth. 剥夺某人的(自由、权利,或者某种生活方式)

  take… for granted 想当然

  poorly-informed, uninformed, or misinformed about… (公众)关于某事的了解很少,完全不了解或者了解错误 (媒体类话题常用)

  A has rendered B +adj./ n.作宾语补足语 A让B变成某种状态

  lower one’s expectations 降低某人的期望值

  go from bad to worse 越来越糟

  There’s no guarantee that… 无法保证……

  (a certain problem) has reached such proportions that… 问题已经到了……的程度
