










  early adj. 早的 early adv. 早

  high adj. 高的 high adv. 高高地

  long adj. 长的,长久的long adv. 长久地



  1)普通副词(ordinary adverb)如:together一起,well好,seriously认真地,slowly慢,carefully小心地。

  2)疑问副词(interrogative adverb)如:when何时,where何地,how如何,why为何。

  3)关系副词(relative adverb)如:where,when。

  4)连接副词(conjunctive adverb)如:then然后,so所以,there{ore所以,however然而,hence所以,thus这样,nevertheless然而,otherwise否则,still可是,仍然。




  It is raining hard.雨下得很大。(副词hard作状语,修饰动词is raining。)

  Don't drive too fast.车子不要开得太快。(fast是副词,作状语,修饰动词drive,副词too又修饰副词fast。)

  He speaks English quite well.他英语讲得相当好。(well修饰动词speaks,quite又修饰副词well。)

  This is a fairly useful tool,这是一件相当有用的工具。(fairly修饰形容词useful)

  He has always helped his sister with her homework.他一向帮助他妹妹做家庭作业。(always修饰动词has helped)

  She often went there.她常到那儿去。(often和there均是副词,修饰动词went。)

  Perhaps he will telephone later.也许他以后会打电话来的。(perhaps是副词,用以修饰全句。)


  Is he up?他起床了没有?

  She is out.她出去了。


  Life here is full of joy.这儿的生活充满了欢乐。(here修饰名词life)




  It is a rather difficult job,这是一件颇为困难的工作。(rather修饰形容词difficult)

  He runs very fast.他跑得很快。(very修饰副词fast)


  The peasants there are busy digging a canal now.那里的农民现在正忙于修水渠。

  On my way home,I met groups of Young Pioneers.在回家的路上我遇见成群的少先队员。



  原级比较级 最高级

  hard 努力地harderhardest

  fast 快faster fastest

  well 好better best

  badly 坏 worseworst

  early 早 earlier earliest

  quickly 快 more quicklymost quickly

  happily 快乐地 more happily most happily



  David drives faster than anyone I know.大卫开车比我所知道的任何人都要快。

  She plays table tennis better than I.她乒乓球打得比我好。(从句中省略了play table tennis)

  Mr. Martin usually gets to the office earlier than others.马丁先生到办公室通常比别人早。

  They speak less fluently but more correctly than we do.他们讲得不如我们流利,但比我们正确。


  I work fastest when I'm under pressure.我在有压力时工作得最快。

  He swims the best in Class One.一班他游泳最好。





  1)Rome is one of the oldest cities in the world. 罗马是世界上最古老的城市之一。

  Her eldest daughter is a school teacher.她大女儿是个教员。

  My elder brother is in college. He is two years older than I. 我哥哥在上大学,他比我大两岁。


  2)They reached the place later than we.他们到达那儿比我们晚。

  Twenty years later he returned to his home village. 二十年后,他回到自己的家乡。

  3)Who spoke last?是谁最后发言的?

  What is the latest news about the sports meet?关于运动会最近有什么消息?

  as...as;not so. . .as或not as...as


  2)表示"不相等"用not so...as或not as...as。如:

  1)This knife is as sharp as that one.这把刀跟那把一样快。

  Bill is as tall as I. 比尔和我一般高。

  Is this bag of soyabeans as heavy as that one?这袋大豆跟那袋一样重吗?

  You know as well as I do.你和我一样明白。

  [注]注意as后面的形容词如作定语,而被定语修饰的名词有不定冠词a时,冠词a须放在形容词之后,如German is as difficult a language as English.(德语和英语一样难学。)。这样的词序也适用于so,如I have never seen so beautiful a place as Guilin before.(我过去从未见过像桂林这样美丽的地方。)

  2)tian An Men Square was not so big as it is now.天安门广场过去没有现在这样大。

  The Atlantic Ocean is not as big as the Pacific ocean.大西洋没有太平洋大。


  用twice (两倍),three times(三倍)等加as...as..


  New York is ten times as big as my home town.纽约有我的家乡十个大。

  The output of the paper mill is now three times as high as it was in 1966.这家纸厂的生产比一九六六年增加两倍。

  This river is twice as long as that one.这条河比那条河长一倍。

  Asia is four times as large as Europe.亚洲比欧洲大三倍。


  Three times three is nine.三乘三得九。

  He is twice my age.他的年龄比我大一倍。

  This lake is four times the size of that one.这个湖有那个湖四个大。

  The irrigated area in this province is four times bigger than in l978.这个省的灌溉面积比1978年增加三倍。(four times bigger than = four times as big as)

  Our county's agricultural output this year is 5 per cent higher than that of last year.我们县今年农业产量比去年增长百分之五。


  可用much,far,still,even,a 1itt1e,no,any,a great deal等状语来修饰形容词和副词的比较级。如:

  The Yellow River is long,but the Changjiang River is even longer.黄河长,长江更长。

  We are much better off now.我们的生活比过去好得多。

  She sings far better than the others.她唱得比别人好得多。

  Wang is taller than Zhang. Li is still than Wang. 王比张高,李比王还高。


  I couldn't move a step further,我连一步也走不动了。

  The meeting lasted two hours longer than usual.会议比平常多开了两个钟头。

  He is a head taller than I.他比我高一个头。(也可以说He is taller than me by a head.)

  They got there earlier than we by twenty minutes.他们比我们早二十分钟到达那里。

  The students of the university have increased by 100 per cent since l978.


  Do you want any more? -Yes,give me two more.


  Have you any more tickets? -Sorry,I have no more.

  你还有票吗? -对不起,没有了。

  [注二]可用形容词最高级 + possible或imaginable等词来强调语气。如:

  I think he is the best possible man for the job.我认为他做这工作最合适。(也可以说the best man possible)

  Swimming in winter is the best form of exercise imaginable.冬泳是最好的运动方式。(也可以说the best imaginable form)


  1.But (expose) to high levels of such conflict generally isn’t going to be good for children.

  2.And they are taught all along (rely) on themselves for everything.

  3.I have never cared for counting toothpicks,wasting toothpicks, or the number of toothpicks

  (use) in any construction.

  4.Her husband of 70 years passed away, (make) the move necessary.

  5.Last decade,the FAA considered changing the rule, but decided against it, (refer) to statistics from 2004.

  6.The film is also funny,smart, beautifully animated, (fill) with great characters.

  7.He dropped out of high school following his third year,eventually (earn) his general equivalency diploma.

  8.DiCaprio’s persistence in reaching the event after encountering two plane delays caused Prime Minister (describe) himself as a “real man”.

  9.At the 2016 Oscar Ceremony, DiCaprio’s (win) the award foe Best Actor impressed all the audience present.

  10.It is the most urgent threat (face)our entire species,and we need to work collectively together.

  11. (escape) the pain, the bears alternate lifting up one paw and then another while music is played.

  12.The bears also suffer with an inadequate diet usually (consist) of white bread, sugar and cheap fruit juices.

  13. (fall) over in front of everyone isn’t much fun.

  14.Gate formed Microsoft with Paul Alien in 1975 (develop)software for personal computers.

  15.He suggested that e-cigarettes may be a useful tool for adults (try) to end their tobacco use, or quit.

  16.I also took time (learn) their songs and calls.

  17.Even more impressive, some cosmetically--minded cultures still create makeup

  (use) the same techniques (originate) in Egypt thousands of years ago.

  18. But the stones (employ) to make flour for bread brought a lot of sand to their diet, which damaged their teeth.

  19. Customers don’t usually find store clerks (sit) around watching TV or plat cards.

  20.Some people think that (absorb) in virtual reality does great harm to us.

  21.Studies also shown that the skills (use) in playing games can cause growth in certain area of brain, the ability (think) in 3D and even improve eyesight.

  22. The physician Hippocrates used garlic in ancient Greece (treat) infection.

  23. Drugs are smuggled into country by (organize) groups.

  24. I can see that you have all been successful in your (choose) path.

  25. And key theft is responsible for 40% of thefts of vehicles fitted with (tract) system.

  26. Staff at the center then will contact the owner (confirm) that the car is really missing.

  27. (earn) some money to pay the daily expenses, I started work in a local café as a waiter.

  28.In 2010, it was estimated that about 400 village shops closed, (urge) the local government to give financial support to struggling shops or set-up new community stores.

  29.As I back into my car, I saw the same lady (look) in at me.

  30. (shock), I took it from her automatically. She smiled and walked away.

  31.He has a constant urge (check) for text messages, he checks his phone every five minutes!

  32. (wonder) how my mum consume them so quickly----we were always suddenly out of something.

  33. Was she worried how I would react or that I would stop (buy) the groceries if I find out?

  34. Do you getting impatient of (annoy) with people over unimportant things?

  35. If the total stress in your life is over 150, you are twice as likely (get) ill.
