



1.Words & expressionsCamp, ash(tray), dirt, valley, beyond, cave, thirst, sunburnt, system, spiritual, faith, elder, curiously, underground, starve, thus, percentage, precious, fence, task, outdoors, shave, argue; Bonny, Italy, Italian, Kooris, aborigines, koala, dingoFix up, hand down, rather than, give birth to, round up, be experienced at, 2. Daily English1) Be careful!2) Look out!3) Take care 4) Don't do... 5) You mustn't do...3. Grammar: The -ing forms as object complement and adverbialII. Teaching aims in developing competenceTo develop the abilities of listening, speaking, reading, and writing abilities.1. To develop the ability of communication.2. To develop the ability of expressing prohibition and warnings.3. To develop the ability of using -ing Form as object complement and adverbial.4. To develop the practical skills of using English, especially in talking about a country.III. Teaching aims in moral education1. Learn to care for others and the collective, help each other, and defend students themselves.2. Arouse students' consciousness of protecting the animals and plants and the environments.3. Develop the spirit of love of the motherland



教学教法:Lesson 9 DialogueThe main purpose of this unit is to train students' listening and speaking ability. Through learning the way of expressing prohibition and warnings the students are enabled to use the expressions of reminding people in daily life and develop the spirit of care for people and help each other and also through learning about the content of the dialogue students are reminded of protecting the nature.Teaching key points1. Input the dialogue as a whole and make the students grasp the dialogue. At the same time students can make similar dialogue related to the daily life, reminding them of the importance of protecting the nature.2. After the understanding of the reading materials about Australia, help students to talk about China, their motherland, using what they have learned in the texts, showing students' love of our country.Teaching special difficulties1. The understanding of the use -ing Form and the use of it.2. Making prohibition and warnings and giving replies.Teaching methodsThe Social Communicative MethodThe Information communicative styleTeaching aidsBlackboard; computer; OHP(overhead projector); tape recorder; related pictures of this unit词语辨析:1.keep out, keep away, keep offkeep out ( 可以分开)表示“不使……入内;把……留在外面”。如: Shut the windows and keep the cold out.Danger! Keep out! 危险!切勿入内!keep away(可分开,后接from)表示“使……不靠近”。如:Keep away from me. I’ve got a bad cold. Parents should keep their small children away from rivers.keep off (可分开)表示“使……离开;从……离开”They made a big fire to keep wild animals off.Keep off the grass. 请勿践踏草地。2.suit, suitable 和fit的用法区别1) suitable 的动词形式是suit, 与动词fit都有“合适”之意,但也有区别。以衣服为例,fit是指大小尺寸合适,而suit则是表示衣服穿着很好看,包括款式和花式都合适。如:2) (1)Do you think this style suits me? 你觉得这种款式适合我穿吗?(2)These shoes don’t fit me—have you got a larger size?这鞋我穿着不合适——你们有大一点的吗?(3)It doesn't suit you to have your hair cut short.你头发剪短了不好看。(4)The seven o'clock train will suit us very well.七点钟的火车对我们正合适。3)形容词suitable后可接for sth.和to sb. 。如:(1)I don't think I should be suitable for the post.我认为自己不适合这个职位。(2)The work was not suitable to me. 那工作不适合我。4) 形容词fit后只能接介词for,且句子主语多用人表示。 (1)The new manager isn’t fit for his position.新经理不胜任他的职务。(2)would be months before he was fit for work.要过几个月他才能适合工作。(3)My sister is just fit for a job as teacher.我妹妹正适合教师这一工作。(4)The prime minister was a wise, honest man who was more fit for his office anyone else.首相是个聪明、诚实的人,比任何人都称职。 by与live on的用法区别live by 意为“以……为生”,by后接动名词,表示方式;live on 也作“以……为主”解释,但on后接名词,表示主语主要吃什么,即主食是什么或表示主语的收入。如:(1)They lived by fishing and hunting. 他们靠海猎为生。(2)The six Indian blind men lived by begging.这六个印度盲人靠乞讨为生。(3)People in the south live on rice.南方人以大米为主食。(4)They lived on a small income. 他们靠微薄的收入维持生活。4.take place与 happen的用法固定词组take place意为发生,举行,多指举行活动,发生某事(可指发生好事或不好的事),happen多指发生意外事故,不幸的事。如:(1)The opening of the play will take place tomorrow night. 剧的首演式将于明晚举行。(take place不能用happen代换)(2)The accident took place only a block from my home. 事故发生地离我家只一个街区。(took place 可以用happened代换)

▲动词happen以及词组take place, break out 等只能用作不及物动词,不能用被动语态形式。如:(1)The car accident happened last week. 交通事故发生在上星期。(不能说:The car accident was happened last week.)(2) The war broke out in October. 战争于10月份爆发。(不能说:The war was broken out in October.)注意:词组take sb.’s place 或take the place of sb. / sth. 意为代替某人,某物,不可与take place混淆。如:(1)My brother is ill, and I’ve come to take his place.我兄弟生病了,所以我来代替他。(2)Plastics have taken the place of many old materials.塑料已经取代许多旧材料。5.比较的修饰及倍数的表达方法形容词或副词比较级前,加上某个状语成分,会使比较意义有所增强。例如:(1)This book is three times larger than that one.这本书比那本书大三倍。(2)They produced 15 % more rice last year than they did in 1990. 去年他们的水稻产量比1990年的产量增加了百分之十五。注意:以上可归纳为句型:“A is … times + adj. / adv. (比较级)+ than B.”另外这一句型还可转化为句型“A is … times as + adj. / (原级)+as B.”例如:(1)At least, the train runs 6 times as fast as the boat.火车的速度至少为小船速度的六倍。(2)After the experiment, the plant is four times as tall as it was before.在实验以后,这种植物为过去高度的四倍。

Grammar教学建议Before class ask Ss to sum up the use of –ing Form and in class the teacher may have a contest among Ss who have been divided into two or several groups to see which group has done the job best. In this way Ss will usually have a good preparation of their work and will be willing to do what seems boring to them, which is the necessity to learn well. The teacher may add what has been left out and have a summary. After that, enough exercises are needed to help Ss to use, understand, remember and master what they have learned. Only through the use of the language can Ss really get what they are required to get.Grammar-- -ing FormRevising the use of –ing forms of the verbs and make Ss grasp the use of it.

I. v+ing 的句法功能:1.作主语。可直接作主语, 表示一般抽象概念时,可以与不定式互换,但在句型“It is no use/good”等候一般用动名词。 e.g. It is no good smoking too much. Seeing is believing.2. 作宾语。有些动词可以直接跟v.-ing作宾语,如:mind, miss, enjoy, escape, prevent, practice, postpone, suffer, suggest, keep(on), avoid, admit, bear, deny, advise, delay, risk, resist, finish, fancy, excuse, imagine, consider, can’t help, 下列 “vi.+介词或副词” 构成的短语动词,后接v.-ing作宾语。succeed in, approve of, persevere in, inquire of, persist in, complain of, insist on, aim at, benefit from, burst out, can not help, be busy (in), be on the point of, feel like, guard against, give up, go on , keep on, leave off, put off , be used to, object to, be accustomed to, refer to, be opposed to, stick to, be dedicated to, be devoted to ,look forward to, turn to, come near to, devote oneself to, due to, pay attention to, be faithful to ,be equal to, be familiar to, be sentenced to… e.g. We enjoy learning English.He insisted on seeing the exhibition.I am looking forward to seeing you.The mayor considered building a new town-hall.3. 作表语。作表语表示主语的内容或表示状态,说明主语的特点( 这是主语是v.-ing形式的执行者)。e.g. Our aim is studying English well.  His speech is very exciting.4. 作定语。 表示主动,相当于一个定语从句, 表示动作在进行;或说明用途或作用。(单个一词作定语,须放在所修饰词的前面;短语作定语须放在所修饰词的后面)e.g. The lady talking (who is talking) with him is a doctor. Will the swimming pool be open?The man walking by the lake is a scientist.5. 作补语。作宾语有两个特征:一是宾语与 v.– ing 有主谓关系,且宾语是v+ing动作的执行者;二是v.+-ing形式所表示的动作正在进行。e.g. We heard the boy crying there. You can see them performing every night.When I entered the room, I found him listening to the radio.跟 v+ing 作补语的词常是感官动词和使役动词,如notice, see, hear, watch, get, feel, have, find, keep, observe, look at, listen to, smell etc.6. 作状语。常作表示原因、时间、结果、条件、让步、伴随或方式状语。其逻辑主语是句子的主语且句子的主语是动作的发出者。e.g. Being blind, how could they see an elephant? He sat at the desk reading a book. Seeing from the hill, we find the city beautiful.II. NOTESV+ing 形式一般式和完成式,有主动语态和被动语态,共四种形式,以tell为例asking  being asked having asked having been asked一般式表示与谓语动作同时(或在其后)发生;进行式表示发生在谓语动作之前。e.g. He is proud of being learned. (He is proud that he is learned.) I am sure of John’s coming in time. (I am sure that John will come in time.) I am sure of his having been elected. ( I am that he has been elected.)V+ing 的否定形式是在V+ing前加 not.e.g. What is troubling them is their not having enough knowledge about computer. Not taking any biscuits that morning, we had nothing to eat later.有些动词接不定式和V+ing,意思基本一样。如begin, start, continue, plan, can’t bear, like, love, hate, prefer, intend…e.g. Let’s continue to study/ studying law. (让我们继续学习法律。)但,有些表示系恶的动词,如like, love, hate, prefer, intend …,接v+ing 表示一般的喜恶,接不定式表示特别的情况。e.g. I don’t like going to the theatre alone.(一般情况) I’d like to go to the theatre if you with me.(特殊)下列动词或短语,need, want, require, bear, demand, be worth… 接v+ing 的主动形式,表示被动意义, 与接不定式的被动形式意义大致相同。e.g. This problem needs looking into. (This problem needs to be looked into. ) This book is worth reading twice. (This book is worth to be read twice.)在下列动词或短语后,如,stop, remember, forget, regret, try, mean, go on, go afraid…可以接v+ing 也可以接不定式,但意义不同。e.g. I remember to fill out the form.(我记得要填表。)(表示动作尚未发生。) I remember filling out the form.(我记得一天表了。)(表示动作已经发生了。) I stopped to eat. (我停下别的事,来吃饭。)(停止手中事去做另一件事。) I stopped eating. (我停止吃饭。)(停止正做的事。) I regret to say I can’t stay here any longer. (我很抱歉的说我不能在此久留。)(表示动作尚未发生。) I regret leaving/having left you. (我后悔离开了你。)(表示动作已经发生了。) He tried to write better. (我力图把字写得好些。)(设法, 努力去做,尽力。。。)  He tried knocking at the back door. (他试着悄悄后门。)(试试去做<看看有何结果>) I should like to be rich. (but I am poor.) (我很想富有。(但我很穷)) I like being rich. (I am rich.) (我喜欢富有。 (我已富有)) I forget to bring my umbrella. (我忘记带伞了。)(表示动作尚未发生。) I will never forget seeing you. (我永远不会忘记见到你的情景。)(表示动作已经发生了。) I meant to call on him. (我想去看望他。)(打算做。。。) This means wasting time. ( 这就意味着浪费时间。)(意味着; 也就是。。。) Having washed the clothes, I went on to sweep the floor. (我洗衣服接着就扫地。)(干完一件事,接着干另一件事。)They went on doing their work after a short rest. (他们休息一会儿,又继续干活了。)(一直做同一件事。)The enemy was afraid to come after us. (敌人不敢追我们。)(不敢去做一件事。)She was afraid of making mistakes. (她怕犯错误。) (害怕某一结果。)补充常用v+ing 的句型。1.go+doing 的结构,表示“去干某事”的意思,多指从事与体育、娱乐有关的活动。例如:go fishing 去钓鱼 go hunting去打猎 go riding 去骑马 go shopping 去购物 go dancing 去跳舞 go climbing去爬山 go boating 去划船 go climbing 去爬山 go shooting 去射击go farming 去务农 go teaching从教 go nursing 当护士go soldiering 当兵 go nutting 采坚果2.There is no + v+ing 表示“是不可能的”e.g. There is no knowing how old shi is.  = It is impossible to know how old she is. = We don’t know how old she is.3. on + v+ing 表示“一。。。就。。。”e.g. On hearing this news, I changed my plan.4. have difficulty, trouble, a problem, a hard/good time,(等表示情感的词) +(in)+v+ing.表示“。。。有困难(麻烦。。。)”e.g. We have difficulty (in) solving the problem.5. keep, stop, restrain, hold + Sb. / Sth.+ from + v+ing… 表示“阻止某人/某物做谋事”e.g. Nothing can stop me from going to school.V+ing 在句中作宾语 、表语或主语时,如果它的逻辑主语和句子的主语不一样时,要有自己的逻辑主语。用“物主代词、名词所有格、名词通格、代词宾格”在 v+ing 前面表示逻辑主语。作宾语和表语时,常用物主代词、所有格、通格、宾格;作主语时,常用所有格和物主代词。e.g. Their coming to help us was a great encouragement to us. Does he object to Xiao Ming’s joining the amateur drama group? I don’t like my sister’s going to such a place. (=I don’t  like my sister going to such a place.) Please excuse my/me troubling you with my problems.独立主格结构(Absolute Construction)状语有时可以由一名或代词和另一个成分构成的复合结构担任,称为独立结构。常见的复合结构有下面几类:1) 名词或代词+分词e.g. He lay on his back, his hands crossed under his head.The storm having destroyed their small room, they had to live in a cave.2)名词或代词+形容词e.g. He entered the room, his nose red with cold.3)名词或代词+副词e.g. he put on his socks wrong side out.4)名词或代词+不定式e.g. Here are the first two volumes, the third one to cone out next month.5)名词或代词+介词短语 e.g. The two soldiers went up the mountain, gun in hand


1.Words & expressionsCamp, ash(tray), dirt, valley, beyond, cave, thirst, sunburnt, system, spiritual, faith, elder, curiously, underground, starve, thus, percentage, precious, fence, task, outdoors, shave, argue; Bonny, Italy, Italian, Kooris, aborigines, koala, dingoFix up, hand down, rather than, give birth to, round up, be experienced at, 2. Daily English1) Be careful!2) Look out!3) Take care 4) Don't do... 5) You mustn't do...3. Grammar: The -ing forms as object complement and adverbialII. Teaching aims in developing competenceTo develop the abilities of listening, speaking, reading, and writing abilities.1. To develop the ability of communication.2. To develop the ability of expressing prohibition and warnings.3. To develop the ability of using -ing Form as object complement and adverbial.4. To develop the practical skills of using English, especially in talking about a country.III. Teaching aims in moral education1. Learn to care for others and the collective, help each other, and defend students themselves.2. Arouse students' consciousness of protecting the animals and plants and the environments.3. Develop the spirit of love of the motherland



教学教法:Lesson 9 DialogueThe main purpose of this unit is to train students' listening and speaking ability. Through learning the way of expressing prohibition and warnings the students are enabled to use the expressions of reminding people in daily life and develop the spirit of care for people and help each other and also through learning about the content of the dialogue students are reminded of protecting the nature.Teaching key points1. Input the dialogue as a whole and make the students grasp the dialogue. At the same time students can make similar dialogue related to the daily life, reminding them of the importance of protecting the nature.2. After the understanding of the reading materials about Australia, help students to talk about China, their motherland, using what they have learned in the texts, showing students' love of our country.Teaching special difficulties1. The understanding of the use -ing Form and the use of it.2. Making prohibition and warnings and giving replies.Teaching methodsThe Social Communicative MethodThe Information communicative styleTeaching aidsBlackboard; computer; OHP(overhead projector); tape recorder; related pictures of this unit词语辨析:1.keep out, keep away, keep offkeep out ( 可以分开)表示“不使……入内;把……留在外面”。如: Shut the windows and keep the cold out.Danger! Keep out! 危险!切勿入内!keep away(可分开,后接from)表示“使……不靠近”。如:Keep away from me. I’ve got a bad cold. Parents should keep their small children away from rivers.keep off (可分开)表示“使……离开;从……离开”They made a big fire to keep wild animals off.Keep off the grass. 请勿践踏草地。2.suit, suitable 和fit的用法区别1) suitable 的动词形式是suit, 与动词fit都有“合适”之意,但也有区别。以衣服为例,fit是指大小尺寸合适,而suit则是表示衣服穿着很好看,包括款式和花式都合适。如:2) (1)Do you think this style suits me? 你觉得这种款式适合我穿吗?(2)These shoes don’t fit me—have you got a larger size?这鞋我穿着不合适——你们有大一点的吗?(3)It doesn't suit you to have your hair cut short.你头发剪短了不好看。(4)The seven o'clock train will suit us very well.七点钟的火车对我们正合适。3)形容词suitable后可接for sth.和to sb. 。如:(1)I don't think I should be suitable for the post.我认为自己不适合这个职位。(2)The work was not suitable to me. 那工作不适合我。4) 形容词fit后只能接介词for,且句子主语多用人表示。 (1)The new manager isn’t fit for his position.新经理不胜任他的职务。(2)would be months before he was fit for work.要过几个月他才能适合工作。(3)My sister is just fit for a job as teacher.我妹妹正适合教师这一工作。(4)The prime minister was a wise, honest man who was more fit for his office anyone else.首相是个聪明、诚实的人,比任何人都称职。 by与live on的用法区别live by 意为“以……为生”,by后接动名词,表示方式;live on 也作“以……为主”解释,但on后接名词,表示主语主要吃什么,即主食是什么或表示主语的收入。如:(1)They lived by fishing and hunting. 他们靠海猎为生。(2)The six Indian blind men lived by begging.这六个印度盲人靠乞讨为生。(3)People in the south live on rice.南方人以大米为主食。(4)They lived on a small income. 他们靠微薄的收入维持生活。4.take place与 happen的用法固定词组take place意为发生,举行,多指举行活动,发生某事(可指发生好事或不好的事),happen多指发生意外事故,不幸的事。如:(1)The opening of the play will take place tomorrow night. 剧的首演式将于明晚举行。(take place不能用happen代换)(2)The accident took place only a block from my home. 事故发生地离我家只一个街区。(took place 可以用happened代换)

▲动词happen以及词组take place, break out 等只能用作不及物动词,不能用被动语态形式。如:(1)The car accident happened last week. 交通事故发生在上星期。(不能说:The car accident was happened last week.)(2) The war broke out in October. 战争于10月份爆发。(不能说:The war was broken out in October.)注意:词组take sb.’s place 或take the place of sb. / sth. 意为代替某人,某物,不可与take place混淆。如:(1)My brother is ill, and I’ve come to take his place.我兄弟生病了,所以我来代替他。(2)Plastics have taken the place of many old materials.塑料已经取代许多旧材料。5.比较的修饰及倍数的表达方法形容词或副词比较级前,加上某个状语成分,会使比较意义有所增强。例如:(1)This book is three times larger than that one.这本书比那本书大三倍。(2)They produced 15 % more rice last year than they did in 1990. 去年他们的水稻产量比1990年的产量增加了百分之十五。注意:以上可归纳为句型:“A is … times + adj. / adv. (比较级)+ than B.”另外这一句型还可转化为句型“A is … times as + adj. / (原级)+as B.”例如:(1)At least, the train runs 6 times as fast as the boat.火车的速度至少为小船速度的六倍。(2)After the experiment, the plant is four times as tall as it was before.在实验以后,这种植物为过去高度的四倍。

Grammar教学建议Before class ask Ss to sum up the use of –ing Form and in class the teacher may have a contest among Ss who have been divided into two or several groups to see which group has done the job best. In this way Ss will usually have a good preparation of their work and will be willing to do what seems boring to them, which is the necessity to learn well. The teacher may add what has been left out and have a summary. After that, enough exercises are needed to help Ss to use, understand, remember and master what they have learned. Only through the use of the language can Ss really get what they are required to get.Grammar-- -ing FormRevising the use of –ing forms of the verbs and make Ss grasp the use of it.

I. v+ing 的句法功能:1.作主语。可直接作主语, 表示一般抽象概念时,可以与不定式互换,但在句型“It is no use/good”等候一般用动名词。 e.g. It is no good smoking too much. Seeing is believing.2. 作宾语。有些动词可以直接跟v.-ing作宾语,如:mind, miss, enjoy, escape, prevent, practice, postpone, suffer, suggest, keep(on), avoid, admit, bear, deny, advise, delay, risk, resist, finish, fancy, excuse, imagine, consider, can’t help, 下列 “vi.+介词或副词” 构成的短语动词,后接v.-ing作宾语。succeed in, approve of, persevere in, inquire of, persist in, complain of, insist on, aim at, benefit from, burst out, can not help, be busy (in), be on the point of, feel like, guard against, give up, go on , keep on, leave off, put off , be used to, object to, be accustomed to, refer to, be opposed to, stick to, be dedicated to, be devoted to ,look forward to, turn to, come near to, devote oneself to, due to, pay attention to, be faithful to ,be equal to, be familiar to, be sentenced to… e.g. We enjoy learning English.He insisted on seeing the exhibition.I am looking forward to seeing you.The mayor considered building a new town-hall.3. 作表语。作表语表示主语的内容或表示状态,说明主语的特点( 这是主语是v.-ing形式的执行者)。e.g. Our aim is studying English well.  His speech is very exciting.4. 作定语。 表示主动,相当于一个定语从句, 表示动作在进行;或说明用途或作用。(单个一词作定语,须放在所修饰词的前面;短语作定语须放在所修饰词的后面)e.g. The lady talking (who is talking) with him is a doctor. Will the swimming pool be open?The man walking by the lake is a scientist.5. 作补语。作宾语有两个特征:一是宾语与 v.– ing 有主谓关系,且宾语是v+ing动作的执行者;二是v.+-ing形式所表示的动作正在进行。e.g. We heard the boy crying there. You can see them performing every night.When I entered the room, I found him listening to the radio.跟 v+ing 作补语的词常是感官动词和使役动词,如notice, see, hear, watch, get, feel, have, find, keep, observe, look at, listen to, smell etc.6. 作状语。常作表示原因、时间、结果、条件、让步、伴随或方式状语。其逻辑主语是句子的主语且句子的主语是动作的发出者。e.g. Being blind, how could they see an elephant? He sat at the desk reading a book. Seeing from the hill, we find the city beautiful.II. NOTESV+ing 形式一般式和完成式,有主动语态和被动语态,共四种形式,以tell为例asking  being asked having asked having been asked一般式表示与谓语动作同时(或在其后)发生;进行式表示发生在谓语动作之前。e.g. He is proud of being learned. (He is proud that he is learned.) I am sure of John’s coming in time. (I am sure that John will come in time.) I am sure of his having been elected. ( I am that he has been elected.)V+ing 的否定形式是在V+ing前加 not.e.g. What is troubling them is their not having enough knowledge about computer. Not taking any biscuits that morning, we had nothing to eat later.有些动词接不定式和V+ing,意思基本一样。如begin, start, continue, plan, can’t bear, like, love, hate, prefer, intend…e.g. Let’s continue to study/ studying law. (让我们继续学习法律。)但,有些表示系恶的动词,如like, love, hate, prefer, intend …,接v+ing 表示一般的喜恶,接不定式表示特别的情况。e.g. I don’t like going to the theatre alone.(一般情况) I’d like to go to the theatre if you with me.(特殊)下列动词或短语,need, want, require, bear, demand, be worth… 接v+ing 的主动形式,表示被动意义, 与接不定式的被动形式意义大致相同。e.g. This problem needs looking into. (This problem needs to be looked into. ) This book is worth reading twice. (This book is worth to be read twice.)在下列动词或短语后,如,stop, remember, forget, regret, try, mean, go on, go afraid…可以接v+ing 也可以接不定式,但意义不同。e.g. I remember to fill out the form.(我记得要填表。)(表示动作尚未发生。) I remember filling out the form.(我记得一天表了。)(表示动作已经发生了。) I stopped to eat. (我停下别的事,来吃饭。)(停止手中事去做另一件事。) I stopped eating. (我停止吃饭。)(停止正做的事。) I regret to say I can’t stay here any longer. (我很抱歉的说我不能在此久留。)(表示动作尚未发生。) I regret leaving/having left you. (我后悔离开了你。)(表示动作已经发生了。) He tried to write better. (我力图把字写得好些。)(设法, 努力去做,尽力。。。)  He tried knocking at the back door. (他试着悄悄后门。)(试试去做<看看有何结果>) I should like to be rich. (but I am poor.) (我很想富有。(但我很穷)) I like being rich. (I am rich.) (我喜欢富有。 (我已富有)) I forget to bring my umbrella. (我忘记带伞了。)(表示动作尚未发生。) I will never forget seeing you. (我永远不会忘记见到你的情景。)(表示动作已经发生了。) I meant to call on him. (我想去看望他。)(打算做。。。) This means wasting time. ( 这就意味着浪费时间。)(意味着; 也就是。。。) Having washed the clothes, I went on to sweep the floor. (我洗衣服接着就扫地。)(干完一件事,接着干另一件事。)They went on doing their work after a short rest. (他们休息一会儿,又继续干活了。)(一直做同一件事。)The enemy was afraid to come after us. (敌人不敢追我们。)(不敢去做一件事。)She was afraid of making mistakes. (她怕犯错误。) (害怕某一结果。)补充常用v+ing 的句型。1.go+doing 的结构,表示“去干某事”的意思,多指从事与体育、娱乐有关的活动。例如:go fishing 去钓鱼 go hunting去打猎 go riding 去骑马 go shopping 去购物 go dancing 去跳舞 go climbing去爬山 go boating 去划船 go climbing 去爬山 go shooting 去射击go farming 去务农 go teaching从教 go nursing 当护士go soldiering 当兵 go nutting 采坚果2.There is no + v+ing 表示“是不可能的”e.g. There is no knowing how old shi is.  = It is impossible to know how old she is. = We don’t know how old she is.3. on + v+ing 表示“一。。。就。。。”e.g. On hearing this news, I changed my plan.4. have difficulty, trouble, a problem, a hard/good time,(等表示情感的词) +(in)+v+ing.表示“。。。有困难(麻烦。。。)”e.g. We have difficulty (in) solving the problem.5. keep, stop, restrain, hold + Sb. / Sth.+ from + v+ing… 表示“阻止某人/某物做谋事”e.g. Nothing can stop me from going to school.V+ing 在句中作宾语 、表语或主语时,如果它的逻辑主语和句子的主语不一样时,要有自己的逻辑主语。用“物主代词、名词所有格、名词通格、代词宾格”在 v+ing 前面表示逻辑主语。作宾语和表语时,常用物主代词、所有格、通格、宾格;作主语时,常用所有格和物主代词。e.g. Their coming to help us was a great encouragement to us. Does he object to Xiao Ming’s joining the amateur drama group? I don’t like my sister’s going to such a place. (=I don’t  like my sister going to such a place.) Please excuse my/me troubling you with my problems.独立主格结构(Absolute Construction)状语有时可以由一名或代词和另一个成分构成的复合结构担任,称为独立结构。常见的复合结构有下面几类:1) 名词或代词+分词e.g. He lay on his back, his hands crossed under his head.The storm having destroyed their small room, they had to live in a cave.2)名词或代词+形容词e.g. He entered the room, his nose red with cold.3)名词或代词+副词e.g. he put on his socks wrong side out.4)名词或代词+不定式e.g. Here are the first two volumes, the third one to cone out next month.5)名词或代词+介词短语 e.g. The two soldiers went up the mountain, gun in hand

教学设计方案Lesson 9

Step 1: Free talkGet the students to talk about their choices of entertainment and make them understand the aims of the lesson and tell the students that they are going to learn some expressions about making prohibition and warnings. (write prohibition and warnings on the blackboard)Step 2: DialogueSs listen to the dialogue and give brief information about itWho (YangPei, Jackie and their friends Burt and Jeff) /Where (in the Australian bush) /When/What(camping)Step 3 Multiple-choice exercises for listeningSs listen to the dialogue once again and do the following exercises1. What is a good place for camping according to Yang Pei?A. A place by the river with plenty of shade under the trees.B. A place in the cave. C. A place in the bush. (Key: A)2. Why mustn’t Burt smoke while walking around in the bush?A. Because the smoke is terrible. B. Because it could start a bush fire.C. Because smoking is bad for one’s health. (Key: B)3. What may happen when a kangaroo knock on you while you were driving?A. It may damage the car really badly. B. It may hurt you. C. It may follow your car.(Key: A)Check answers with the students, and at the same time get students’ agreements of the following moral lessons.1. The protection of the environment is especially important to us nowadays. If we do not do something to stop polluting the rivers, the sea, the air, and all the things around us, the earth would not fit for us to live in. So let us start right now and let us create a beautiful world for ourselves and for the whole world.2. Some animals may be dangerous to human beings, but they are one of the most necessities in the world, so we must love all the animals. They are our good friends. We are living on the earth happily together. If the animals die out, it will cause the dying out of human being, like the dying out of dinosaur. What’s more, the earth will also be destroyed. what a horrible thing! We must protect our environment and keep the balance of the nature.Step 4 Practice1.Students read the dialogue in pairs paying attention to their pronunciation and intonation, trying to learn the text by heart and deal with any difficulties they may meet while reading with their classmates or by asking the teacher for help. Write the useful expressions on the blackboard for students to pay special attention to and for better understanding of the dialogue. plenty of start a fire put out look out make one’s camp fix up tie…to… take care And then ask the students to summarize the functional sentences and write them on the blackboard.Be careful Look out! Take care Don't do… You mustn't do…2. Ask the students to pick out the imperative sentences from the dialogue1) Don’t throw your cigarette out of the window. Put it out in the ashtray.2) Don’t tie it to that old branch. Tie it to the one on the right.3. Let Ss do Part 2. on P. 13 in pairs and then check it. Emphasize some useful phrases, such as die of/from and get sunburnt 4. Do translation (WB Ex. 3)Keys (Let the students know that there is not only one answer to the translation exercises)1. Please tap the cigarette ash into the ashtray. Don’t tap it on the floor.2. Don’t go too far in the bush, otherwise you may get lost.3. Don’t throw the cigarette end out of the window, otherwise you may start a fire.4. Before you return the car, make sure you clean/wash the dirt off it.5. How about having a camp/going camping next week?6. Some people suggested going beyond the mountain to have a look.7. It is said that here is a valley of death. No one has dared to get into it so far.5. Finish off all the other too WB exercises by asking Ss to do it.KeysEx.1. drive; Where; sure; think; find; for; idea; enjoy; Be; worry; out; damage; if; stay; not; dangerous; slowEx. 2. 1). plenty of 2). fix up 3). put out 5). tie…to 6). die of 7). get sunburntStep 5. Activities Oral workSs make a similar dialogue according to the original one, trying to use all the daily expressions. First they prepare the dialogue in groups .After that ask some pairs to act out their dialogue in the front of classroom. Step 6. consolidationWith the students go through all the functional sentences and useful expressions on the blackboard and ask students to add as many similar sentences as possible.Step 7.Assignment1. Oral work (Recite the dialogue or make a new one)2. Collect as much information as possible about AustraliaPeriod Two:(探究活动) (Some suggested methods in teaching the following reading.1. Digital information. Before class ask Ss to surf on the internet for information about Australia. Ss can be divided into different groups according to different aspects of the country, e.g. natural features --location, climate, population, resources and so on, big cities and economics, history and culture, politics etc. In class Ss exchange their information and ask and answer questions. After class they can write an article about what they are most interested in. 2. Digital learning. Before class the teacher is supposed to get as much information as possible and put it into the computer for Ss to share later. During the class Ss are supposed to write a paper about any aspect about Australia on the computer by referring to any information they can get from the computer or books. They can also ask each other or the teacher questions and answer them by the net. They can also work in pairs or groups if they like. In class the teacher is to help Ss with any problems both in knowledge and in the use of computer. Of course the teacher can give different tasks for different Ss to do in class in order that the papers of the class will be sure to cover all the things about Australia.3. Transferring and developing learned knowledge. Ss have learned some expressions to describe a country, for example, Canada, so they are able to summary the feathers of Australia before class. During the class some of the Ss are supposed to introduce Australia to others and after that they are asked to talk about China following the way of writing about Australia either in groups or in pairs. The more things about China they can add, the better comment they will get. After class the Ss have to hand in their papers either in groups or in pairs. That means that one students only needs to write one or some parts of China and the whole group or pair makes a complete paper. )教材分析Lesson 10 & Lesson 11 ReadingThis period mainly deals with the reading materials about Australia and trains students’ abilities of reading and speaking. Students read the passage about Australia, and then finish the related exercises, enabling the Ss learn about the country’s history, location, population, climate, and resources and describe other countries esp. China in English. During this period Ss are offered the opportunity to talk about their motherland to see how great and beautiful it is and to love it dearly in order that they can now try to study harder than before and do their best.


教学设计方案Lesson 10

Preparation: Get the Ss collect any information about Australia from the net before class.Step 1 Warming-up exercisePresent the National Flag of Australia and make Ss know about the aims of the periodStep 2 Fast ReadingLesson 101. Pre-reading questions1). Where did the first Australians come from? (Asia)2). What did Kooris use for hunting? (A curiously shaped piece of wood)3). How many languages were once spoken in Australia? ( more than 250) For the first time, Ss read the passage and give answers to these questions.2. For the second time, Ss read the text and tell the topic sentence of each paragraph and sum up the topic and the main idea of each paragraph.Paragraph.1  The earliest settlers –aborigines. The first people who settled in Australia came form Asia about 53,000 years ago. They are called Kooris today.Paragraph.2  Way of life. Kooris developed a suitable way of life to live in this country. Paragraph.3  Population. The Kooris’ population was reducing because of the arriving of foreign settlers.Paragraph.4  Education. Kooris were treated badly by the white people.Paragraph.5  Languages. Most of the Kooris’ languages have disappeared.Paragraph.6  The date when Kooris were made citizens. Kooris were made citizens of Australia 53,ooo years after arriving in the country.3. For the third time, Ss read the text and finish Part3. Note making on P. 15 Part.3  1). First people arrived in Australia (date):   53,0000 years ago      2). Age of earliest cave paintings:   20,000years ago      3). Food:   animals, birds, fish, roots, nuts, wild fruit.      4). Tools:   fishing nets, shaped piece of wood      5). Special skills:   finding underground springs      6). Past Koori population:   3000,000 million      7). Percentage of past population of Australia:   1000 %      8). Percentage of present population of Australia:   a little over 1 %      9). Causes of death:   diseases, killing      10). Past number of Koori languages:   over 250      11). Kooris made citizens of Australia (date):   1967Next, talk about the discovery of Australia according to the following hintage of earliest cave paintings/ food/tools/special skills/past Koori population/percentage of past population of Australia/causes of death/past number of Koori languages/the date when Kooris made citizens of Australia4. Consolidation reading comprehension exercise for lesson 101). This text mainly talks about the _________.A. special plants and animals in AustraliaB. natural discoveries in AustraliaC. Kooris and their life       D. Kooris’ discovering ability2). According to the text, the first people arrived in Australia by ________.A. sea    B. land   C. air    D. swimming3). What does faith mean?A. fate   B. rail   C. force   D. developed4). According to the text, the first people arrived in Australia by_________.A. clever   b. lazy   C, humorous   D. developed5). Kooris quite depended on ________.A. farming and hunting    B. nature   C. the white people       D. the government6). What does “curiously” mean?A. badly   B. carefully   C. strangely   D. interestingly7). Many Kooris were killed by ______which was brought to Australia by foreign settlers.A. the law   B. the idea   C. the disease   D. the prejudice(偏见)8). According to the text, to “make up ” is to ______.    A. amount to   B. pretend   C. put together   D. produce9). According to the text, Kooris were treated______ in Australia.    A. equally   B. specially   C. kindly   D. unfairly10). Te fact that school lessons were only held in English indicates that______.    A. Kooris are developing very fast.       B. Kooris are living a poor life    C. Kooris couldn’t develop their culture.    D. Kooris are better educated11). The first people arriving in Australia might be from______.    A. Europe   B. Africa   C. Asia   D. America12). “Aborigines” means _______.    A. the oldest races on the earthB. a strong system of society    C. the first people of a countryD. a group of strong people13). Their spiritual faith and gods were very important to them. This means _____.    A. they strongly believed in their spiritual faith and gods    B. they didn’t develop a civilization of their own    C. they wanted to be the most important race on the earth    D. they thought they were very important citizens(Keys: CBDAB CCADC CCA)

教学设计方案Lesson 11

1. For the first time, Ss read and do the following reading comprehension exercise in given time, usually 5 minutes:1). Paragraph 1 mainly talks about Australia’s _____.A. history   B. geography   C. forests   D. animals2). How many types of pocket animals in Australia are mentioned in the text?    A. 1    B. 2    C. 3     D. 4 3). According to the text, Australia is famous for its________.    A. industrial products           B. educational undertaking( 事业)     C. agricultural products         D. cultural undertaking4). We can’t find fruit or vegetables growing in _____ of Australia.    A. the sough   B,. the north   C. the west   D. the center5). Farming in the middle of Australia seems to be_______.    A. developing all the time        B. quite developed there    C. fully developed there         D. underdeveloped there6). What does “precious ” mean?    A. rich   B. expensive    C. rare and valuable   D. worthwhile7). What sport is impossible in Australia?    A. skiing      B. swimming     C. tennis     D. basketball8). The weather in Australia encourages__________.    A. indoor activities    B. outdoor activities   C. competition         D. industry9). The last paragraph deals with _________.    A. climate             B. people’s  life     C. outdoor activities   D. climate and people’s life10). “Round” in the text has_______ meanings.    A. 2        B. 3       C. 4       D. 5(Keys: DBCDB CABDA)2. For the second time reading of the text,  find out what each paragraph is about and the main idea of each paragraphParagraph 1: The animals.  Australia is an old land with many interesting and unique plants and          animals.Paragraph 2: Location. Australia is the only country in the world which covers an entire continent.Paragraph 3: Natural resources. Australia is an extremely rich country.Paragraph 4: Agriculture. To keep out the dingoes, people in Australia have put up a fence hundreds of kilometers long.Paragraph 5: The Climate. The climate in Australia varies because of the sea. 3. Ss present their work in groups, talking about the climate, animals, location or natural resources      of Australia. Retell the text Practice: Ss finish the WB exercise based on the text4. ProductionSs work in groups, talking about the climate, animals, location or natural resources of China. Ask some of them to present their work in class. Assignment: 1. Retell the text in any forms (dialogue of a short play)2. Finish off the WB exercises3. Write an essay chosen from either of the following two choices:A. Write about the advantages and disadvantages of AustraliaB. Write about China or any feature of China.(e. g Brief Introduction about the Weather of ChinaChins is large in area. The climate is different from place to place. In the south it is cool and wet in winter, hot and damp in summer. This area is good for growing rice. In the north it cold and dry in winter, hot and rainy in summer. Wheat is mainly grown in this area. The western part of China is dry with little rain all the year round. It is not good for growing crops, but some places produce varieties of fruit. And the eastern part enjoys plenty of rain most time of the year, so the crops there grow very well.)Supplementary reading comprehension      The Australian National Flag is blue, with Britain's Union Jack in the upper quarter. Below this, a seven-pointed large star, the Federation star, represents the six states and the territories . On the right, four smaller white stars with seven points and one star with five points, represent the constellation of the Southern Cross.      At the time of Federation a competition was conducted for a new flag and from over 32, 000 entries, the winning design was submitted independently by five different people. The design was approved by King Edward Ⅶ 1903 and has remained unchanged except for the addition of the seventh point on the large star. 1. There is one thing in the Australian National Flag that is taken after the National Flag of Britain. That is ____. A.The seven-pointed large white star  B. the Union JackC. the seven-pointed stars           D. the five-pointed star2. How many stars are there in the Australian Nation Flag?A. Seven.     B. Six.     C. Five.    D. Eight. 3. The large white star stands for ____. A. the six states of Australia  B. the constellationC. Britain's Union Jack      D. Australian states and territories4. Which of the following statements is true?A. The winning design was submitted by King Ed- ward Ⅶ. B. The winning design was the joint product of five different people. C. Not many people were interested in the competition. D. Originally the large white star was six-pointed. Possible answers:BBDDSydney is Australia's most exciting city. The history of Australia begins here. In 1788 Captain Arthur Phillips arrived in Sydney with 11 ships and 1, 024 passengers (including 770 prisoners) from Britain. Today there are 2.5 million people in Sydney. It is the biggest city in Australia, and  one of the most beautiful cities in the world. There are over 20 fine beaches close to Sydney. Its warm summer climate and cool winter have made it a favorite city for immigrants from overseas.There are three things that made Sydney famous----its beautiful harbor, the Sydney Harbor Bridge, and the Sydney Opera House. But there are many more interesting things in Sydney:beautiful shops and restaurants, for example, rows of interesting old houses built in the 19th century, and everywhere, the sea. Summer or winter, day or night, Sydney is an outdoor city. Some Americans think it is very British. Some British visitors think it is like America. There is some truth in both these opinions, because Sydney takes from both the old world----Europe, and the New World----America, and makes it into something that is neither British nor American but truly Australian. 1. Which of the following statements is true?A. Sydney is a silent city. B. Sydney is a busy city. C. Sydney is a new city. D. Sydney is a common city. 2. In 1788 Captain Arthur Phillips arrived in Sydney ____. A. with some ships and more than 1000 passengers from BritainB. with 11 ships and only 700 prisonersC. with 1024 passengers besides 700 prisonersD. with only more than ten ships and some helpers3. What made Sydney famous?A. Three things----the beautiful harbor, the Sydney Harbor Bridge and the Sydney Opera House. B. Immigrants from Britain, the beautiful Harbor and ships. C. Beautiful shops, modern restaurants and interesting old houses and seas. D.The Sydney Opera House, interesting old House and interesting restaurants. 4. The climate in Sydney is ____. A. hot in summer and cold in winter  B. warm all the year roundC. neither too hot nor too cold       D. cool all through the year5. The writer thinks Sydney ____. A. is like AmericaB. is very BritishC. is neither British nor American but truly AustralianD. takes from EuropePossible answers:BAACC



Lesson 12 Listening 教学设计方案

Step 1 RevisionCheck Ss’ work ( retell the text in the form of a dialogue or a short play)Step 2: Listening ComprehensionBush fireSs listen to a radio programme about the story of an Australian woman’s escape from the bush fires near Sydney in 1994.A. Ss listen and find out the things that the woman mentions in her talkB. Ss listen and put the given events into the correct orderC. Answer questions Step 3 DiscussionDiscuss about the ways of avoiding bush fires of forest firesAssignment: 1. Finish off the WB exercises2. Go on with the oral work




(Some suggested activities when teaching the following dialogue1. Getting students' interest. Show students some photos taken during some holiday spent in some other places, which are famous and easy for them to recognize so as to arouse the students' interest. At this moment the new dialogue may begin. After finishing learning the dialogue, the students will be eager to talk about their own experience or what they wish to do in the future, which is the best time for students to make their dialogues.2. Using of the functional sentences in real life. Talk about the do's and don'ts in their past activities or coming arrangements e.g. NEW YEAR'S PARTY, A BIRTHDAY PARTY, A CAMPING, AN SIGHTSEEING,AN EXPERIMENT IN PHYSICS, ONE CLASS, ect. They have to give instructions and their reasons. 3. A chance to present and develop students' abilities of using what they have learned both in knowledge and component. Divide students into two big groups which have absolutely opposite opinions of one topic e.g. LEARNING A FOREIGN LANGUAGE, GO TO COLLEGE, GOING ABROAD, OBIDIENCE, KEEPING A PET, etc. and organize them to have an argument. Students should have preparation work in groups before the final argument between the two big groups, where the more numbers of the group take part in the discussion , the better result they will get besides the .