A Letter for Help 一封求助信投诉举报
A Letter for Help 一封求助信
A Letter for Help 一封求助信.doc
A Letter for Help 一封求助信A Letter for Help 一封求助信

A Letter for Help 一封求助信

昨天我不小心弄坏了爸爸的iPad,不知道该如何处理这件事情,于是写信给New Standard Magazine编辑部的知心姐姐Diana,希望得到一些建议。请从事情的起因、经过及心理感受等方面适当地增加细节,写一封求助信。词数80词左右。(信的开头已给出,不计入总词数) Dear Diana, My father has bought an iPad recently. _______________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Looking forward to your reply! Yours, Tom 作文范文 My father has bought an iPad recently. He has warned me not to use it, because there is lots of information in it. But I like it so much that I always want to have a try. Yesterday, when my father was out, I tried the iPad. Unluckily, I dropped it on the floor carelessly. I hurried to put the broken iPad back on the table without saying anything. My father was really angry when he came back. Now I feel terrible. It’s going to be expensive to mend it. Should I tell him about it? 参考译文 亲爱的戴安娜, 最近我父亲买了一台iPad,他提醒过我不准乱碰,因为里面有很多非常重要的文件。但是我实在是太喜欢它了,总忍不住想用一下。 昨天,趁父亲出门的时候,我用了他的iPad,糟糕的是,我不小心把它摔在了地上。可是我不敢跟父亲说,于是又把那台摔坏的iPad偷偷放回了原处。 父亲回家以后非常地生气,我现在也感到很难受。要修好iPad的话,价格是很贵的。我是不是应该跟父亲坦白呢? 期待你的来信! 汤姆