



  1. Are there many (or, any) museums in your hometown?


  雅思口语考官范文:Not so many, actually there is only one museum in my small county about the local history. It allows the local residents to know better about their traditions and historical celebrities.

  2. Do you think museums are useful for visitors to your hometown/country?


  雅思口语考官范文:I go to the museum a lot, when I come to the new place, I’ll find some local museums that have interesting features. The museum I visited last time was the Guanfu Museum located in the rural area of Beijing. It is a private-owned museum featuring Chinese antiques like porcelain, furniture, jade and some paintings.

  3. Do you think museums are important?


  雅思口语考官范文:Museums are really important in protecting, preserving, propagating and researching numerous human treasure. Once the antiques are in the museums, they are permanently out of circulation, which means they can be seen by public.

  4. Do you think it’s suitable for museums to sell things to visitors?


  雅思口语考官范文:Yes, the reason is that generally, most museums are nonprofit organizations, and these goods are their large portion of income, except the tickets, and also partly because these items are closely related to the theme of the museums, which cannot be bought in most other bookstores or shops.

  雅思口语备考必备高频Part2解析+参考答案--A museum


  Describe a museum that you visited.

  you should say:

  where it was

  what it looked like

  what facilities it had

  and explain what influence it had on you/how you felt about it



  Sample answer

  I have visited 5-6 museums in total in different countries and enjoyed visiting the (tell a museum name you know about) in (say the country name). I went to the museum 2 years back while visiting the city. Visiting the museum was not in our tour plan and yet we went there as it was prominently expressing its present in front of us. I went there with my 2 friends and one cousin who were my tour partners. My cousin and one of my friends were not at all interested to roam inside the museum as they had other plans. I insisted them to go there and convinced them by saying that if you do not enjoy it; I would pay for the dinner!

  After we bought our tickets, we entered in to the museum and the colossal front side of the museum building and the large open garden in front of it mesmerized us. At that time I had a feeling that our time would worth the visit.

  After we entered inside the museum, we found that the place is even larger than we initially thought it would be. There were 5 floors in the museum and the inside architecture reminded us the imperial age. We could see the top of the building from the ground flood. People from different age groups and countries were closely observing the museum. Taking photo was prohibited and yet I was sometimes allured to take some hidden snaps especially when I saw the colossal dinosaur fossil and alien ship!

  The first floor of the museum had some art from famous artist of the world and sculptures from different era. The first floor gave us the impression of visiting a theatre or art gallery rather than museum. We came to know that some of the arts were so expensive that one can buy an island by selling it! Then we moved to the second floor which was full of Second World War memories. Guns, tanks and other war materials from 1945 WW II had been arranged there. A video was showing some of the fighting scenes of WW II.

  When we reached third floor, it’s been already 2.5 hours. We found all the costumes and traditional things from different parts of the world have been placed here. One can easily learn about the customs of different ages and countries just by visiting this floor.

  The next floor had more adventure and surprises for us. It has placed all the major inventions of different ages and they were historically famous. I felt overwhelmed seeing the First computer, Speed boat, Wheel, Motor Engine and many more famous invention of history at this floor. I was so much dying to touch the first 4 wheeler that had been placed there.

  We had visited the whole museum as much as possible and spent almost the whole day. We were so enthralled to visit the place that we literally forgot to have our lunch. The overall experience was fantastic and I learned so many things in few hours. As soon as I left the place, I planned to revisit it someday.

  Related cue cards

  Describe a worth visiting place in your city.

  Describe a place where you would like to go.

  Describe an interesting place you have visited.











  Let's not waste any time and get started!

  “I think”之外的“我认为”

  1. As far as I’m concerned “据我所知;就我来看;我认为”

  Eg:As far as I’m concerned, youth offenders should be punished by law. But .........

  2.If I may say so “如果我能这么讲”“我认为”Eg:You look much younger than your actual age if I may say so.

  3. If you ask me“我认为,如果你问我”Eg:Books are morebeneficial for children compared with computers if you ask me.

  4. To my mind /In my opinion“在我心里,我认为”Eg.But an honest question posed from a broken heart is to my mind a good andrighteous thing.

  此外还可以用以下短语表达:As I see it —— 就我所知;As far as I know——就我所知;I’m convinced that——我相信……比如:“Global warming is a recent problem as far as I know.”


  口语考试中避不开的话题就是“喜好”,假如考官问你:"Do you like swiming?"你难道只能回答"I like/love swimming"吗。。。。。感受一下高级玩法~

  1. This appeals to me because……这对我很有吸引力,因为……(这样回答既表明你的态度,又阐述了喜爱的原因)比如:“swimming appeals to me because it's such a great way to relieve stress .”

  2. “I am keen on doing something"/ “ I am keen to do something”......我对某事充满了热情

  比如:“I was keen on going to the party but two centimeters of snow fell in London and trains didn't run."

  同样地,如果你对某事并不热衷,使用" I am not keen on doing something."即可。

  Asking for clarification


  1. Sorry, I didn't quite catch that对不起, 我没听清楚

  2. Could you say that again?你能再说一遍吗?

  3. Could you explain what you mean by……?你能解释关于...... 的意思吗?

  比如:“could you explain what you mean by bricks and mortar business?”

  Providing clarification


  1. To put it another way换一种方式说

  2. What I'm trying to say is我想说的是……

  3. What I mean is我的意思是……

  比如:“What I'm trying to say is that maybe you can't approach this as a purely intellectual exercise.”



  1. It's quite a difficult question这是一个相当困难的问题

  2. That's a good question这是一个很好的问题

  3. I've never thought about it before but I guess……之前我从来没有想过这个问题, 但我想……(在这之后你就得想到如何回答问题了)



  1. I couldn't agree more——我非常赞同

  2. I totally agree——我完全同意

  3. Absolutely/Definitely——绝对,肯定例如:"absolutely young people spend way too much time on social media."

  4. I tend to agree(with) that "我倾向于同意……" (这是一种比较温和的同意形式)

  5. It depends/I think it really depends“这取决于……”(这是一种更理性的回答)


  1. That’s one way of looking at it. However……


  2. That's not always true——事实并非总是如此

  “some people say that getting education is the best way to prepare for the future, however that's not always true.

  In some situations hands-on experience is much more valuable.”


  1. I've never really thought about it——我还真没想过……


  “Oh, what is your favorite wild animal?”“Well, I've never really thought about it but I'm quite fond of big cats. For example, Tigers and leopards.”

  2. To sum up/To wrap up如果你想在考官终止你的回答之前主动结束对话,最好表示你马上就会回答完毕用” to sum up” 或者” to wrap up”即可

  比如:" To wrap up I'm really fond of Miami because of its diversity and tropical climate."
