



We all like to make friends, we live in a society that we need to communicate with others. Without a friend, one can never express his emotions, no one share his sorrow and happiness. Making friends balances one’s emotions, you can talk to friends any things, like secret, which you don’t want to share with our parents. But here is the fact that not everyone is suitable to be friend, we need to obey the rules. First, the guy must be honest. Honesty is the base of the being friends, to be frank and then to be close. Second, there is something common in you two. The same interest always brings two hearts close, the more something in common, the better, thus he will be your best friends, you can share things with him. Making friends is a big deal, cause if you make the wrong one, you may get the negative thing from him.


As there are a lot of languages in the world, it will make lots of difficulties when we communicate with people from other countries. However, smile is a kind of magic language that everyone can read easily, no matter where he comes from.

For one thing, smile can transfer warmth and energy. As graduates, we are faced with a lot of recruitment. Each of us is nervous. But when we see the smile on others’ faces, it's just like the golden sunshine. Smile is just the medium of positive energy.

For the other thing, smile can express friendship. When we praise others, just bonus a smile, it will be prettier than amount of words.

It is obvious that smile is a good way to show your respect to others. Smile is the shortest distance between two people. Wish you have good relationships with others.


Food is human’s basic need, yet it differs from culture to culture. Color, aroma and taste have been regarded as the basics of Chinese culinary art. In the long history of Chinese course development, there are many differences between the Southern and Northern tastes. Generally speaking, the southern courses emphasize freshness and tenderness; while the northern courses are oilier. As a typically southerner, I prefer freshness and pure flavor. So my favorite food is steaming fish.

Steaming fish is a classical Guang Dong dish. It’s famous for light, soft and slippery taste. The material must be fresh, and the cook must control the heat to make sure the fish remain tender and pure. Put the fresh fish in the pot to steam for 8 minutes with mild heat. Before the dish is finished, add a spoon of oil and some chopped green onion and a spoon of soy sauce, and then the steaming fish is done. My mother is very good at cooking this course. I really love the way she cook the fish, not only maintain the original flavors of the fish, but also provide with enough protein.


Adult ceremony maybe is not very familiar for our Chinese. Although in the old time, our country also has the tradition to have adult ceremony, now most areas have given it up. It is a ceremony to celebrate the children become adults. In German, adult ceremony is a traditional festival with a long history. Everyone reaching the age of fourteen is adult in their religious belief and custom. Every April or May, they will dress well to take part in the adult ceremony with the companion of their parents or friends. At first, there will be a speech spoken by some respectable people. They will remind the kids of their new rights and duties. And then people will congratulate them become adults. Later the adults will hold dancing party for them. This is the German adult ceremony. Except German, there are still some places having adult ceremony, which will be similar.


World Diabetes Day falls on November 14th each year. To set up this day is to strengthen the publicity and education on diabetes prevention and monitoring, to improve the understanding of diabetes, asking people pay more concerned about the life and work of diabetes patients, to strengthen the research on diabetes prevention, treatment. As people’s living standard has been improved and taking less exercise, the number of diabetes patients is increasing day by day. Although mild diabetes would not lead to death, but when it becomes serious, the consequence will be different. The rate of people die of diabetes is larger and larger. Everyone should aware this and fight for this horrible chronic disease to reduce the death rate. Keeping a good diet and living a good living style is helpful. In other word, people should eat healthy and do more exercise. Let’s work together to make a healthy world!
