















1.Your university plans to offer students cash rewards for high performance in one of following activities: Volunteer service, Athletic achievement, Academic performance. Choose one and explain why you think it deserves to be rewarded.

2.Talk about a thing you friends did that surprised you. Explain your answer in examples and details.

3.Describe how people's lives changed in your country. Explain why this change is important.

4.一些现在的火车专门设有安静车厢 where passengers are not allowed to speak loudly and use cell phones, laptops or other mobile devices that produce loud sounds. 你觉得这是个好主意吗?Explain why or why not.

5.Talk about a kind of music you enjoy the least, explain why you do not like it.

6.Which of the following three activities do you like to join in for volunteer work, doing activities with children, planning in garden, or community cleaning ups? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer

7.Your friend asks your advice about how to spend the big sum of money he suddenly acquired. What suggestions would you give him to spend that money? Explain why. Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

8.people have a lot of ways to make friends. What do you think is a good way to make good friends?

9.Describe a popular gathering place where people in your town usually go for relaxation. Explain why people in your town like to go there. Include reasons and examples to support your response.


11.Among your family members,有没有那么一个人和家里其他人的性格行为特别不一样的,描述一下

12.Among the following professions, which do you think is the most important to a city? Police officer, building designer or transport worker.

13.what do you think about the fact that? "robots finish a lot of tasks for human beings." what is your opinion. Use specific reasons and details to support your response.

14.Which of the following do you think is the most effective way of learning? Studying from textbooks; thinking and discussing in groups; reading articles written by others.

15. Which of the following Art classes would you be more interested in taking? Wood Sculpture, Painting or Photography?

16.Your university will sponsor one of the following activities for student a) An outdoor activity of camping night b) A musical festival to experience the local culture c) A computer game contention in the dormitory hall. Which one do you think it’s the best to form new friendship and establish solidarity among students? Give reasons to explain why

17.In every culture, there are some customs or traditions from the past that young people no longer follow. Describe a custom or tradition which formed in the past but you wish it is still popular today. Give specific reasons why you wish it still popular.

18.talk about a social problem or issue your country is facing currently.

19.How do you usually reward yourself after hard work?

20.To be successful in sport, which is more important? Talent or hard work?

托福口语小范围预测TASK 2

1. Some universities require all students to study a foreign language in order to graduate. Other universities require all students to take computer classes before graduating. Which do you think is most important? Why?

2. Do you agree of disagree with the statement that it is essential for high school students to study Economics?

3. Some people prefer to go straight to their destination while traveling, others prefer to spend more time looking around on the way. Which do you prefer?

4. When students have questions about an assignment for class, 有些人喜欢去和教授讨论. Others prefer to ask other students in the class for help understanding the assignment. Which do you prefer? Explain why?

5. Do you think universities in the future will one day stop giving lessons in classrooms and give online courses instead?

6. Some people think students should study in classroom and others believe they should go to field trip like visiting museums and zoos to obtain knowledge. Which do you think is better for students and why? Include specific reasons and details in your response.

7. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People should dress following fashion trends. Explain why. Include specific details and examples to support your answer

8. 同意还是不同意:it is important to remember the past and learn things from the past.

9. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is more beneficial for students to study in larger classes than study in smaller classes. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

10. 送礼物是送gifts that are practical还是for fun的?

11. 学校应不应该要求每个学生都拥有自己的笔记本?

12. Nowadays many people find their social network on the Internet. Do you think it is a positive trend?

13. 同意还是不同意:bosses should require employee to wear the formal clothes instead of the casual clothes at work. use specific reasons and details to support your response.

14. Which do you think is a more important quality in order to be successful? taking risks or making safe and comfortable decisions?

15. 你会选择participate in activities alone or with a team or group.

16. Do you agree or disagree the following statement? Children should start school earlier than 5 or 6 years old. Give reasons to explain.

17. Some people like to take less informative but interesting lectures, others like to take boring but more content rich lectures. Which do you prefer?

18. Some people prefer to start their homework ahead, while others only get down to it before the due day. Which do you think is better and also why?

19. some people prefer recording life by taking pictures or keeping diaries, others prefer doing nothing. Which one do you prefer?

20. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Friends can maintain friendship even if they have disagreements.


1. Your friend is always late for group events, what suggestions do you have for him? 150110NA

2. Describe the most important decision that you have ever made. Please include specific details in your answer. 140419CN

3. In your country when do people give gift to each other? Describe the occasion and types of gifts. 150606NA

4. Nowadays, “quiet cars” can be found on trains, in which people are forbidden to use their cellphones and computers or talk loudly. What is your opinion on this policy and why? Please include reasons and examples in your explanation. 150712CN

5. Talk about an activity that you would prefer to engage in with your friends rather than by yourself. Explain why. Please include details and examples in your explanation.

6. The university is organizing a visit to one of the following workplaces--a science lab, a business office,or a TV studio. Which will you choose to visit and why? Please include reasons and details in your explanation.

7. Describe what your life would be like if you were not allowed to use the cellphone for a month. Explain why. Please include details and examples in your explanation.

8. Talk about your favorite book when you were a child and explain why you liked it and read it in detail. Explain why. Please include details and examples in your explanation.

9. Do you agree or disagree with the statement that we should let children use the computers or other electronic devices as early as they can? 150919 NA

10. Which of the following occupations do you prefer to be most —an actor or actress, a computer programmer, or a business owner? Explain why. Please include details and examples in your explanation.

11. Talk about an object, tool, or piece of equipment that you depend on in your daily life. Explain how it makes your life easier.

12. The University decides to set a cooking class for students to let them have better understanding of the nutrients and health. Do you think it is a reasonable decision or not? Why? 120304 CN

13. If you could study a subject that you' ve never had a chance to study, what subject would you choose? Explain your choice,using specific reasons and details 130914CN

14. Which of the following inventions do you think has made the greatest impact on people in your country, the airplane, the computer, or the television? Please include specific reasons and examples to support your choice.

15. Many students are asked to evaluate their professors at the end of the semester. What are the disadvantages and disadvantages of this? 160716CN

托福独立口语TASK 2小范围预测

1. Some universities expect students to choose their major when they enter university. Others let students wait until the second or third year. Which do you think is better and why? Please include details and examples in your explanation. 151213CN

2. Some people prefer to write many short assignments for a semester, other prefer to write one or two long assignments for a semester. Which do you prefer? Explain why. 130302CN

3. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: the purpose of art is to guide us in our lives? Explain why. Please include details and examples in your explanation.

4. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Happiness comes when we help others rather than ourselves? Explain why. Please include details and examples in your explanation.

5. Do you prefer big family or small family? Please give your answer with specific examples and details. 150410 NA

6. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement—we learn from failure, not from success? Explain why. Please include details and examples in your explanation.

7. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: protecting the environment is just as important as developing the economy? Explain why. Please include details and examples in your explanation.

8. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement—parents today put more pressure on their children than parents in the past? Explain why. Please include specific examples and details in your explanation.

9. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Technological devices have brought distance between people. Please use details and examples in your response. 20151025 CN

10. Some people prefer to give practical gifts while others prefer to give entertaining gifts. Which do you prefer to give and why? Please use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

11. Which one do you prefer? Review your notes after class and keep doing this throughout the whole semester or just review at the end of the semester? 150627 CN

12. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: we are more informed of world events today than our parents were when they were young and why? Please include specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

13. Some people prefer to go traveling for their vacation. Others prefer to stay at home. Which do you prefer? Explain why. Please include details and examples in your explanation.

14. Which of the following do you think is better for a young man who has just graduated from college: returning to their hometown to work or moving away from their hometown to work? Explain why. Please include details and examples in your explanation.

15. Some people prefer to live in a traditional building. Others prefer modern ones. Which one do you prefer and why? Please give specific reasons to support your idea. 150111CN