九年级英语第十六单元 九年级英语第十六单元



要点解析1.be able to (do) 能(做),会(做)be able to在JIII-37 已学过,它和can意思相近,但be able to 可有更多的时态形式,还可和情态词连用,也可用于不定式等短语中,例如:1) Are you able to come tomorrow? (=Can you come tomorrow?)你明天能来吗?2)I\'m afraid he won\'t be able to go to school today.恐怕他今天不能去上学了。3)I was able to catch what he said.我听懂了他说的话。4)We haven\'t been able to find her.我们一直没能找到她。5) You are better able to do it than I am.你比我更有能力做此事。6) He must be able to do it.他一定能做这件事。7) I would like very much to be able to read, but I\'m too old to learn.我非常想能看书,可是我年纪太大了学不了了。2. be made of…用(某种原料)做的,用…制成be made in…在(某地)制造1)This knife is made of metal and wood.这把刀子是用金属和木头做的。2)This necklace is made of glass.这个项链是用玻璃做的。3)These flowers are made of paper.这些花儿是用纸做的。4) This watch is made in Switzerland.这只表是瑞士制造的。5) These bicycles are made in China.这些自行车是中国制造的。3. be used for…被用来(作某种用途)介词for表示目的,后接名词、代词或动名词。例如:1)The knife is used for cutting things.刀子是用来切割东西的。2) English is widely used for business.英语被广泛用于商业。3) The hall was used for our party.礼堂被用来举办我们的晚会了。4) Bamboo can be used for building.竹子可以用于建筑。be used as…被用作介词as意为\"作\"、\"当作\"。as引出的短语在句中作补足语。例如:1) English is used as the second language in that country.在那个国家英语被用作第二语言。2) The card is used as a bookmark.这张卡片被用作书签。3) He was used as a stepping stone.他被人用作垫脚石了。4)English is used as the first language by most people in the USA, Great Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.英语被美国、英国、加拿大、澳大利亚和新西兰的大多数人用作第一语言。be used by…被…所使用介词by意为\"被\"、\"由\",用来引出被动语态中动作的执行者。例如;1) English is used by travellers and business people all over the world.英语被全世界的旅行者及商人们使用。2) French is used by some Canadians as their first language.法语被一些加拿大人用作第一语言。3) Bicycles are widely used by us.自行车被我们广泛使用。4. leave school离开学校,毕业中等学校毕业常说 leave school或 finish school。l)When did you leave school?你什么时候毕业的?2)He left school at the age of eighteen.他18岁时毕了业。3)Mary left school last year and is work in a shop.玛丽去年毕业,现在在一家商店工作。4)She has just left Lu Xun Middle School.她刚刚从鲁迅中学毕业。5.lock vt.锁,锁上1)I closed and locked the door.我把门关上并锁上。2)He found that the door was locked.他发现门是锁着的。3)All the afternoon he worked with the door locked.整个下午他都锁着门工作。lock用作不及物动词( Vi)时,说明或强调句中主语(事物)由于本身的原因而能否\"锁上\"。例如:1) This door won\'t lock.这门锁不上。2) The box locks easily.这箱子挺容易锁的。lock用作名词时,意为\"锁\"。例如:1)The lock is broken.这锁坏了。2) You lock the door by turning the key in the lock.把钥匙在锁里扭动门就锁上了。6. make a telephone call(to sb)(给某人)打电话1) I\'d like to make a telephone call to Mr Brown.我想给布朗先生打个电话。2) Half the world\'s telephone calls are made in English.世界上有一半的电话是用英语打的。\"打电话\"还常用 call,ring,phone(=telephone),give a call/ring等。例如:1) I must go and telephone him.我必须去给他打电话。2) She phoned to say she couldn\'t come.她打电话说来不了。3) We telephoned him to ask if he could come to the party.我们给他打电话问他是否能参加晚会。4) I\'ll call yon later.以后我给你打电话。5) Shall I ring him up?要我给他打个电话吗?6) Give me a call tomorrow.明天给我打个电话。7) Ring me(up) at three.3点钟给我打电话。8) Why don\'t you give him a ring?你干吗不给他打个电话?7.produce vt.生产,制造1) Australia produces wool and meat.澳大利亚生产羊毛和肉。2) This factory produces 1000 cars a week.这个工厂每周生产1000辆汽车。3) Much of the salt that we use is produced from the sea.我们所用的盐有许多是产自海水。4) A hen produces eggs, and a cow produces milk.母鸡产蛋,奶牛产奶。8. all over the world全世界此外 all over意为\"整个\"、\"遍及\"。\"遍布\"。\"在…各地(in every part of)。例如:1) These modern cars are used all over the world.这些现代化汽车全世界都在使用。2)We have friends all over the world.我们的朋友遍天下。3)Soon the news is all over Britain.很快这个消息就传遍了全英国。4) The snow was all over the ground.遍地都是雪。5) I\'ve looked all over the house.我把整个房屋都看遍了。6) I have travelled all over China many, many times in my life.我一生中多次走遍全中国。around the world 在世界范围内此处介词 around意为\"在…范围内\"。例如:1) He spent a week travelling around the country.他用了一周的时间在这个国家里旅行。2) Most business letters around the world are written in English.世界上的大多数商业信件是用英语写的。3) I travelled around the world for a few years.我周游世界几年。9. else adv.别的,其它的1)else可用在由some-,any-,no-,every一与一body,-thing,-one构成的复合不定代词的后边,起定语作用。例如:①Did you see anybody else(=any other persons)?你看见别的人了吗?②Ask somebody else to help you.请别人帮助你吧。③Nothing else(=Nothing more), thank you.没有别的事了,谢谢。2)else还可用在副词somewhere, anywhere, nowhere的后边,起状语作用。例如:①It\'s too noisy here. Let\'s go somewhere else.这里太吵人了。我们去别的地方吧。②You can\'t get it anywhere else.这东西别的地方弄不到。3)else可用在疑问代词 who, whose, what等后面(但不能用在 which后);也可用在疑问副词 when, where, how, why等后面。例如:①Who else wants a ticket for Sunday?还有谁想要星期天的票?@What else do you want?你还想要什么?③Where else did you go?你还去哪里了?④I can\'t come on Tuesday.When else can we meet?我星期二来不了。我们还能什么时候见面?10.glass n.玻璃杯;玻璃英语中有些名词既可用作可数,又可用作不可数,但其意义不同,常常是用于可数时表示个体的概念,用于不可数时表示物质或抽象的概念。可数名词不可数名词a glass(玻璃杯) glass(玻璃)a paper(报纸;试卷;论文) paper(纸)a chicken(小鸡) chicken(鸡肉)a life(生命) life(生活)1)I broke a glass this morning. Glass is made from sand.今天早上我打碎了一个玻璃杯。 玻璃是由沙子制造的。2)What do the papers say? Paper is made from wood.报上说些什么? 纸是由木材制成的。3)He ate a whole chicken! Would you like some chicken?他吃了整整一只鸡! 你要吃点儿鸡肉吗?11.none pron.没有任何人或东西,一个人也没有none的意思是 no one; no person; not any。它既可用于可数名词(须是指两个以上的人或物),又可用于不可数名词。none在句中起名词作用。当none在匈中用作主语时,如果代替的是可数名词,则谓语用单数或复数;如果代替不可数名词,则谓语只能用单数。注意 none后可接of结构。例如:1) None of them spoke English except Tom.除了汤姆外,他们谁也不讲英语。2) None of his friends has/have ever been to Paris.他的朋友谁也没去过巴黎。3) None of the money is his.这钱没有一点儿是他的。4)一How many fish did you catch?你捉了多少条鱼?一None.一条也没有。5) He understood none of the lecture.这课他一点儿没听懂。6) I like none of the music.这音乐我一点儿都不喜欢。7) English is the first language in none of these countries.在这些国家里,英语都不是第一语言。no one和nobody意思一样,均指人,表示两个以上的人里\"没有…人\"。它们只能用于可数名词,在句中可作主语或宾语。注意它们后边不可以接of结构。1) No one wished him a happy birthday.没有人祝他生日快乐。2) No one wants to make friends with him.谁也不想和他交朋友。3) There was nobody to look after the child.没人照料这个孩子。试比较:I\'ve read no one of his books. (误)I\'ve read none of his books. (正)他的书我一本都没读过。I haven\'t tead any of his books. (正)12. the number of……的数(量)表示某些人或物的具体数(量)。在句中作主语时,谓语要用单数。l)The number of students in our class is 45.我们班的学生人数是45位。2)The number of cars we need is 20.我们需要的汽车数是20辆。3) Do you know the number of girls coming to the party?你知道要出席晚会的女孩子人数吗?4) Which language is spoken by the largest number of people in the world?世界上哪种语言说的人数最多?比较:a number of一些,若干(some;several)后接可数名词复数,作主语时谓语要用复数。例如:A number of students have been there.有些学生去过那里。13.That is why we are learning English in China.那就是我们在中国学习英语的原因。句中划线部分为表语从句,由连接副词 why引导。其它表语从句又如:l) That is why he was late.那就是他来晚的原因。2) This is what I said to him.这就是我对他说的话。3) That is how we helped her to find her son.我们就是这样帮助她找到她的儿子的。4) That is where Lu Xun once lived.那就是鲁迅经住过的地方。5) The fact is (that) I have never been there.事实是我从来没去过那里。第十六课要点解析1.be able to (do) 能(做),会(做)be able to在JIII-37 已学过,它和can意思相近,但be able to 可有更多的时态形式,还可和情态词连用,也可用于不定式等短语中,例如:1) Are you able to come tomorrow? (=Can you come tomorrow?)你明天能来吗?2)I\'m afraid he won\'t be able to go to school today.恐怕他今天不能去上学了。3)I was able to catch what he said.我听懂了他说的话。4)We haven\'t been able to find her.我们一直没能找到她。5) You are better able to do it than I am.你比我更有能力做此事。6) He must be able to do it.他一定能做这件事。7) I would like very much to be able to read, but I\'m too old to learn.我非常想能看书,可是我年纪太大了学不了了。2. be made of…用(某种原料)做的,用…制成be made in…在(某地)制造1)This knife is made of metal and wood.这把刀子是用金属和木头做的。2)This necklace is made of glass.这个项链是用玻璃做的。3)These flowers are made of paper.这些花儿是用纸做的。4) This watch is made in Switzerland.这只表是瑞士制造的。5) These bicycles are made in China.这些自行车是中国制造的。3. be used for…被用来(作某种用途)介词for表示目的,后接名词、代词或动名词。例如:1)The knife is used for cutting things.刀子是用来切割东西的。2) English is widely used for business.英语被广泛用于商业。3) The hall was used for our party.礼堂被用来举办我们的晚会了。4) Bamboo can be used for building.竹子可以用于建筑。be used as…被用作介词as意为\"作\"、\"当作\"。as引出的短语在句中作补足语。例如:1) English is used as the second language in that country.在那个国家英语被用作第二语言。2) The card is used as a bookmark.这张卡片被用作书签。3) He was used as a stepping stone.他被人用作垫脚石了。4)English is used as the first language by most people in the USA, Great Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.英语被美国、英国、加拿大、澳大利亚和新西兰的大多数人用作第一语言。be used by…被…所使用介词by意为\"被\"、\"由\",用来引出被动语态中动作的执行者。例如;1) English is used by travellers and business people all over the world.英语被全世界的旅行者及商人们使用。2) French is used by some Canadians as their first language.法语被一些加拿大人用作第一语言。3) Bicycles are widely used by us.自行车被我们广泛使用。4. leave school离开学校,毕业中等学校毕业常说 leave school或 finish school。l)When did you leave school?你什么时候毕业的?2)He left school at the age of eighteen.他18岁时毕了业。3)Mary left school last year and is work in a shop.玛丽去年毕业,现在在一家商店工作。4)She has just left Lu Xun Middle School.她刚刚从鲁迅中学毕业。5.lock vt.锁,锁上1)I closed and locked the door.我把门关上并锁上。2)He found that the door was locked.他发现门是锁着的。3)All the afternoon he worked with the door locked.整个下午他都锁着门工作。lock用作不及物动词( Vi)时,说明或强调句中主语(事物)由于本身的原因而能否\"锁上\"。例如:1) This door won\'t lock.这门锁不上。2) The box locks easily.这箱子挺容易锁的。lock用作名词时,意为\"锁\"。例如:1)The lock is broken.这锁坏了。2) You lock the door by turning the key in the lock.把钥匙在锁里扭动门就锁上了。6. make a telephone call(to sb)(给某人)打电话1) I\'d like to make a telephone call to Mr Brown.我想给布朗先生打个电话。2) Half the world\'s telephone calls are made in English.世界上有一半的电话是用英语打的。\"打电话\"还常用 call,ring,phone(=telephone),give a call/ring等。例如:1) I must go and telephone him.我必须去给他打电话。2) She phoned to say she couldn\'t come.她打电话说来不了。3) We telephoned him to ask if he could come to the party.我们给他打电话问他是否能参加晚会。4) I\'ll call yon later.以后我给你打电话。5) Shall I ring him up?要我给他打个电话吗?6) Give me a call tomorrow.明天给我打个电话。7) Ring me(up) at three.3点钟给我打电话。8) Why don\'t you give him a ring?你干吗不给他打个电话?7.produce vt.生产,制造1) Australia produces wool and meat.澳大利亚生产羊毛和肉。2) This factory produces 1000 cars a week.这个工厂每周生产1000辆汽车。3) Much of the salt that we use is produced from the sea.我们所用的盐有许多是产自海水。4) A hen produces eggs, and a cow produces milk.母鸡产蛋,奶牛产奶。8. all over the world全世界此外 all over意为\"整个\"、\"遍及\"。\"遍布\"。\"在…各地(in every part of)。例如:1) These modern cars are used all over the world.这些现代化汽车全世界都在使用。2)We have friends all over the world.我们的朋友遍天下。3)Soon the news is all over Britain.很快这个消息就传遍了全英国。4) The snow was all over the ground.遍地都是雪。5) I\'ve looked all over the house.我把整个房屋都看遍了。6) I have travelled all over China many, many times in my life.我一生中多次走遍全中国。around the world 在世界范围内此处介词 around意为\"在…范围内\"。例如:1) He spent a week travelling around the country.他用了一周的时间在这个国家里旅行。2) Most business letters around the world are written in English.世界上的大多数商业信件是用英语写的。3) I travelled around the world for a few years.我周游世界几年。9. else adv.别的,其它的1)else可用在由some-,any-,no-,every一与一body,-thing,-one构成的复合不定代词的后边,起定语作用。例如:①Did you see anybody else(=any other persons)?你看见别的人了吗?②Ask somebody else to help you.请别人帮助你吧。③Nothing else(=Nothing more), thank you.没有别的事了,谢谢。2)else还可用在副词somewhere, anywhere, nowhere的后边,起状语作用。例如:①It\'s too noisy here. Let\'s go somewhere else.这里太吵人了。我们去别的地方吧。②You can\'t get it anywhere else.这东西别的地方弄不到。3)else可用在疑问代词 who, whose, what等后面(但不能用在 which后);也可用在疑问副词 when, where, how, why等后面。例如:①Who else wants a ticket for Sunday?还有谁想要星期天的票?@What else do you want?你还想要什么?③Where else did you go?你还去哪里了?④I can\'t come on Tuesday.When else can we meet?我星期二来不了。我们还能什么时候见面?10.glass n.玻璃杯;玻璃英语中有些名词既可用作可数,又可用作不可数,但其意义不同,常常是用于可数时表示个体的概念,用于不可数时表示物质或抽象的概念。可数名词不可数名词a glass(玻璃杯) glass(玻璃)a paper(报纸;试卷;论文) paper(纸)a chicken(小鸡) chicken(鸡肉)a life(生命) life(生活)1)I broke a glass this morning. Glass is made from sand.今天早上我打碎了一个玻璃杯。 玻璃是由沙子制造的。2)What do the papers say? Paper is made from wood.报上说些什么? 纸是由木材制成的。3)He ate a whole chicken! Would you like some chicken?他吃了整整一只鸡! 你要吃点儿鸡肉吗?11.none pron.没有任何人或东西,一个人也没有none的意思是 no one; no person; not any。它既可用于可数名词(须是指两个以上的人或物),又可用于不可数名词。none在句中起名词作用。当none在匈中用作主语时,如果代替的是可数名词,则谓语用单数或复数;如果代替不可数名词,则谓语只能用单数。注意 none后可接of结构。例如:1) None of them spoke English except Tom.除了汤姆外,他们谁也不讲英语。2) None of his friends has/have ever been to Paris.他的朋友谁也没去过巴黎。3) None of the money is his.这钱没有一点儿是他的。4)一How many fish did you catch?你捉了多少条鱼?一None.一条也没有。5) He understood none of the lecture.这课他一点儿没听懂。6) I like none of the music.这音乐我一点儿都不喜欢。7) English is the first language in none of these countries.在这些国家里,英语都不是第一语言。no one和nobody意思一样,均指人,表示两个以上的人里\"没有…人\"。它们只能用于可数名词,在句中可作主语或宾语。注意它们后边不可以接of结构。1) No one wished him a happy birthday.没有人祝他生日快乐。2) No one wants to make friends with him.谁也不想和他交朋友。3) There was nobody to look after the child.没人照料这个孩子。试比较:I\'ve read no one of his books. (误)I\'ve read none of his books. (正)他的书我一本都没读过。I haven\'t tead any of his books. (正)12. the number of……的数(量)表示某些人或物的具体数(量)。在句中作主语时,谓语要用单数。l)The number of students in our class is 45.我们班的学生人数是45位。2)The number of cars we need is 20.我们需要的汽车数是20辆。3) Do you know the number of girls coming to the party?你知道要出席晚会的女孩子人数吗?4) Which language is spoken by the largest number of people in the world?世界上哪种语言说的人数最多?比较:a number of一些,若干(some;several)后接可数名词复数,作主语时谓语要用复数。例如:A number of students have been there.有些学生去过那里。13.That is why we are learning English in China.那就是我们在中国学习英语的原因。句中划线部分为表语从句,由连接副词 why引导。其它表语从句又如:l) That is why he was late.那就是他来晚的原因。2) This is what I said to him.这就是我对他说的话。3) That is how we helped her to find her son.我们就是这样帮助她找到她的儿子的。4) That is where Lu Xun once lived.那就是鲁迅经住过的地方。5) The fact is (that) I have never been there.事实是我从来没去过那里。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------