共 11 条近义词
戮力同心齐心合力。例昔逮我献公及穆公相好戮力同心,申这以盟誓,生亡以婚姻。——《左传成公二十三年》英pull together and work hard as a team; make concerted efforts; unite in a concerted effort;[查看详情]
和衷共济指同心协力克服困难。例大家也真能和衷共济的讨论救济的方法。——《老舍文集赵子曰》英work together with one heart (in times of difficulty);[查看详情]
同心协力为了共同的目的或为取得一致的效果而统一思想、共同努力。例敌对的政党在这个行动上是同心协力的。英be of a (one) mind; make concerted efforts; work in full cooperation and with unity of purpose; unite all efforts for common purpose;[查看详情]
精诚团结一心一意团结一致。例精诚团结,共赴国难。——毛泽东《为动员一切力量争取抗日战争胜利而斗争》英unite together with all the faith and dedication capable of;[查看详情]
团结一致保持一致;行动起来像一个人;站在一起并且互相支持。例在谈判中我们团结一致。英stick together; unite as one; hang together;[查看详情]
万众一心大家抱着一个共同的目标努力合作。例我们万众一心冒着敌人的炮火前进!前进!英millions of people all of one mind;[查看详情]
群策群力群众的智谋和力量。例实赖同心同德之臣亟合群策群力之助。——宋陈元晋《见郑参政启》英brainstorm; by collective wisdom and efforts; pool the wisdom and efforts of the masses; pool all the brains and brawn for the job;[查看详情]
同心同德心、德:都指思想认识。思想认识一致、行动一致。英be of one mind;[查看详情]