共 5 条近义词
名列前茅前茅本为古代军队前哨斥候为通报后军而举的茅草。后用以比喻评比、考试等名位排列在前几名。例去年弟在京师听说二公子中了秀才且名列前茅,颇为学台赏识实在可贺可贺。——姚雪垠《李自成》英come out top; be ahead of all others; be among the best of the candid[查看详情]
独占鳌头科举时代称中状元据说皇宫殿前石阶上刻有巨鳌只有状元及第才可以踏上迎榜。后来比喻占首位或第一名。例殿前兽献升平策独点鳌头第一名。——《元曲选陈州粜米》英emerge first in the civil service examination of former time; be the champion; find the bean in t[查看详情]
鹤立鸡群比喻卓越出众。例休错认做蛙鸣井底鹤立鸡群。——《元曲选举案齐眉》英distinguished; outstanding man in a common crowd; stand head and shoulders above others;[查看详情]
第一排在最前的。例排名第一。英the first (1st); firstly; primarily; at the head; in the first place;首要的最重要的。例质量第一。英first; most important;[查看详情]
数一数二一条一条地列举。例路人争问其故孙老九数一数二的逢人告诉。——《警世通言》英enumerate;形容很突出数得着。例他是厂里数一数二的能手。英either the first or second;[查看详情]