共 5 条近义词
背生芒刺芒刺,草木、茎叶、果壳上的小刺。背上扎了芒刺比喻极度不安。也说“背若芒刺”“芒刺在背”英be in most uncomfortable position like having spikes in the back; feel prickles down one's back;[查看详情]
如坐针毡形容心神不宁不得安生。例精神上的痛苦使人如坐针毡。英be on hot coals; be on nettles; be on pins and needles; feel as though one was lying on a bed carpet; walk on thorns;[查看详情]
坐立不安坐着或立着都心神不定总感到自己着急。英on pins and needles;见烦躁不安。英fidget;[查看详情]
六神无主形容惊恐万分而毫无主张。例吓得知县已是六神无主。——明冯梦龙《醒世恒言》英all six vital organs failing to function-in a state of utter stupefaction;[查看详情]