共 13 条近义词
自取灭亡自己招致灭亡。英court destruction; bring destruction to oneself; take the road to one's doom; court one's own ruin;[查看详情]
自食其果指自己做了错事自己承受坏的后果。英eat one’s own bitter fruit; reap what one has sown; boomerang;[查看详情]
束手就擒捆起手来等候别人来捉拿比喻无法脱逃或无力抵抗。英allow oneself to be seized without putting up a fight; wait for capture with tied hands;[查看详情]
自掘坟墓比喻自己把自己推上绝路。英dig one’s own grave;[查看详情]
自讨苦吃自寻烦恼;自找困难。例要求增加定额到时候完不成,还不是自讨苦吃。——古立高《初恋》英ask for trouble; bring trouble upon oneself;[查看详情]
作法自毙立法者犯了自己所立的法而为其所害。例怎奈此时官场中人十居其九是吃烟的,哪一个肯建这个政策作法自毙呢?——《二十年目睹之怪现状》英make a law only to fall foul of it oneself; be hoist with or by one’s own petard; get caught in one’s own trap;[查看详情]
束手待毙捆起手来等死。英fold one's hands and await destruction;比喻危难时不想方设法坐等败亡。英helplessly wait for death;[查看详情]
坐以待毙静坐等着送死。比喻遭到危难而不采取积极的措施。英sit still waiting for death; await one’s doom; resign oneself to death;[查看详情]
引蛇出洞比喻引诱坏人进行活动使之暴露。英draw snake out of its hole;[查看详情]
自作自受由自己的不良行为招致的后果应由自己承担。例汝母在生之日都无一片善心,终朝杀害生灵每日欺凌三宝。自作自受非天与人。——《敦煌变文集目边缘起》英reap the fruits of one’s action; suffer through one's own misdeeds; stew in one's own juice;[查看详情]