共 10 条近义词
魂不守舍指人的灵魂离开了躯壳。形容精神不集中也形容惊恐万分。例他终日昏昏沉沉,魂不守舍。英extremely frightened;[查看详情]
魂飞魄散魂魄都飞散了。比喻惊恐万状吓得六神无主。例吓得庞统魂飞魄散。——《三国演义》英frightened out of one's wits;[查看详情]
神魂颠倒指心意迷乱、神情恍惚、失去常态。英be infatualed; one's mind is confused; be crazy with losing of loved ones be out of mind;[查看详情]
心惊胆战形容极端恐惧。例不由我心中自懊恼一会家心内焦,好着我心惊胆战,一会家内颤身摇。——《雍熙乐府醉花阴》英prostrate with fear;[查看详情]
丧魂落魄形容非常害怕的样子。英be frightened out of one's life; be scared of one's wits; in panic; be battered out of one's senses;[查看详情]
心猿意马原为佛教用语。以猿腾马奔比喻凡心无常、无定而又多变。后用以比喻心思不专变化不定。例卓定深沉莫测量心猿意马罢颠狂。——《敦煌变文集维摩诘经讲经文又双》英restless and whimsical; be fanciful and fickle; in a capricious and jumpy wood;[查看详情]
心不在焉心里不在这里。形容思想不集中。例他心不在焉地听他们讲话。英unheeding; absent-minded; inattentive; be preoccupied with sth.else; one's mind is not on what one is doing;[查看详情]
六神无主形容惊恐万分而毫无主张。例吓得知县已是六神无主。——明冯梦龙《醒世恒言》英all six vital organs failing to function-in a state of utter stupefaction;[查看详情]