共 3 条近义词
唾面自干人家往自己脸上吐唾沫不擦掉而让它自干。指受了侮辱极度容忍不加反抗,也指人不知羞耻。英drain the cup of humiliation; extreme obsequiousness as one who in spat on the face and let dry without wiping;[查看详情]
逆来顺受对恶劣的环境或无礼的待遇隐忍而不抗争。例媳妇并不是逆来顺受的女人只会给这位婆母碰钉子。英bear one's hard lot as well as one can; grin and bear it; meekly accept humiliations;[查看详情]
委曲求全勉强迁就以求保全;顾全大局暂时忍让。英compromise out of consideration for the general interest; make concessions to achieve one's purpose; stoop to compromise;[查看详情]