共 6 条近义词
锦上添花在美丽的锦织物上再添加鲜花。比喻略加修饰使美者更美引伸比喻在原有成就的基础上进一步完善。例又要涪翁作颂,且用锦上添花。——黄庭坚《了了庵颂》英be blessed with a double portion of good fortune;[查看详情]
扶弱抑强扶持弱小势力抑制强暴势力。英help the oppressed and oppress the oppressor;[查看详情]
仗义疏财讲义气拿出钱来帮助。英be generous in aiding needy people;[查看详情]
见义勇为意识到是正义之举就大胆去做。英see what is right and have the courage to do it; be ready to take up the cudgets for a just cause; do boldly what is righteous; be zealous in doing what is righteous in seeing it;[查看详情]
雪中送炭下雪天送炭给人。比喻在他人急需时给以及时的帮助。例只有锦上添花那得雪中送炭。——明凌濛初《初刻拍案惊奇》英help in one’s hour of need;[查看详情]