共 7 条近义词
同仇敌忾全体一致地抱着对敌人的仇恨和愤怒。英share a bitter hatred of enemy; a common danger causes common action; with bitter hatred against the common enemy;[查看详情]
同心协力为了共同的目的或为取得一致的效果而统一思想、共同努力。例敌对的政党在这个行动上是同心协力的。英be of a (one) mind; make concerted efforts; work in full cooperation and with unity of purpose; unite all efforts for common purpose;[查看详情]
齐心协力犹言“同心合力”。众人一心共同努力。例齐心协力完成任务。英pull together;[查看详情]
众志成城万众一心像坚固的城堡一样不可摧毁。比喻大家团结一致力量就无比强大。英unity is strength; when people are unified with a single will,they are as strong as city walls;[查看详情]
万众一心大家抱着一个共同的目标努力合作。例我们万众一心冒着敌人的炮火前进!前进!英millions of people all of one mind;[查看详情]
同心同德心、德:都指思想认识。思想认识一致、行动一致。英be of one mind;[查看详情]