共 10 条近义词
同舟共济同船渡河相为照应。比喻利害得失相同者要患难与共通力合作。英be in the same boat; cross a river in the same boat;[查看详情]
同甘共苦同享幸福安乐共度艰难困苦。例官兵一致,同甘共苦。英share weal and woe with; share with sb. through thick and thin; go through storm and stress together with;[查看详情]
玉石俱焚美玉和石头一齐烧毁了。比喻好和坏的同归于尽。英good people are destroyed with the bad as the jade and stone are burned up together;[查看详情]
休戚与共彼此间的幸福和祸患都共同承受。英share weal and woe; stand together through thick and thin;[查看详情]
相依为命互相依靠着度日。例小人无恒产与相依为命,不愿售也。——《聊斋志异王成》英depend on each other for survival;亦作“相倚为命”[查看详情]
同病相怜比喻因遭遇同样的不幸而共相怜恤。例同病相怜同忧相救。——《吴越春秋》英fellow sufferers have mutual sympathy; those who have the same illness sympathize with each other; adversity makes strange bedfellows; company in distress makes trouble less; fe[查看详情]
患难之交共同经历过忧患和困难的朋友。例患难之交不可忘。英friend in adversity;[查看详情]
息息相关彼此呼吸都连在一起。比喻关系非常密切。例二者皆与扎营踞地息息相关者也。——清严复《救亡决论》英be closely bound up;[查看详情]