
共 3 条近义词

  • 围城打援

    wéi chéng dă yuán

    围城打援一种作战方略。一部兵力包围并佯攻敌城另设伏兵攻打歼灭闻讯前来解围的城外援敌。英besiege a city to annihilate the enemy relief force; besiege the enemy in order to strike at his reinforcements;[查看详情]

  • 调虎离山

    diào hǔ lí shān

    调虎离山设法使老虎离开山冈。比喻诱敌离原来的地方以便于乘机行事。例子牙公须是亲自用调虎离山计一战成功。——《封神演义》英lure the tiger out of the mountains; (fig) lure the enemy away from his base;[查看详情]

  • 声东击西

    shēng dōng jī xī

    声东击西一种策略思想。意为表面上声称攻打东边实际上却攻打西边。军事上是迷惑敌人、出奇制胜的一种谋略。例按预定的计划我们要采取声东击西的办法把敌人吸引到温水方向。——《遵义会议放光芒》英make a feint to the east and attack in the west;[查看详情]