共 5 条近义词
粥少僧多准备的粥少化斋的和尚多。比喻人多东西少而不够分。英the gruel is meagre and the monks are many—not enough to go round;[查看详情]
僧多粥少比喻不够分配之意。英the gruel is meagre and the monks are many—not enough to go round; supply falls short of demand;[查看详情]
投闲置散未被重用放在闲散的地位上。英throw on the scrap-heap; stay idle;[查看详情]
十羊九牧九个人放牧十只羊。比喻官员太多政令不一使别人不知所从(见于《隋书杨尚希传》:“所谓民少官多十羊九牧”;又唐刘知几《史通忤时》:“十羊九牧,其令难行”)英overstaffed; be ununiformly ordered;[查看详情]
杯水车薪用一杯水去扑灭一车燃烧的柴草。比喻力量太小无济于事。例犹以一杯水,救一车薪之火也。——《孟子告子上》英a cup of water can't put out the fire on a carload of wood; try to put out a burning cartload of faggots with a cup of water—an utterly inadequa[查看详情]