共 5 条近义词
力排众议竭力排除各种议论使自己的主张占上风。例诸葛亮舌战群儒鲁子敬力排众议。——《三国演义》英prevail over all dissenting views; stand one's ground;[查看详情]
三缄其口形容说话极其谨慎、不轻易开口。英speak with caution; absolute refusal to talk with one's mouth sealed more than once;[查看详情]
一言九鼎九鼎:古代国家的宝器象征九州。形容说的话分量大起决定作用。英solemn promise;[查看详情]
一诺千金一句诺言值千金。形容说话极有信用。英promise that will be kept; be sure to keep one's promise;[查看详情]
说一不二说话守信用说话算数。例警卫中知道总司令是说一不二的。——《草地晚餐》英overpowering; mean what one says; one's word would be law; stand by one's word;[查看详情]