共 3 条近义词
间不容发中间放置不下一根头发形容相距极微。例律厤迭相治其间不容发。——《大戴礼记》英a seamless heavenly robe——flawless; by the skin of one's teeth; by a hair's breadth; the difference is as narrow as a hair's breadth;比喻情势危急到极点。例其出不出间不容[查看详情]
危如累卵比喻处境极其危险像堆起来的蛋,随时可能滚下来打碎。英in a precarious situation; as precarious as a pile of eggs;[查看详情]
燃眉之急十分紧急如同火烧眉毛。例我如今不知便罢既是天教我知了正是度日如年燃眉之急!——《水浒传》英as pressing as a fire singeing one's eyebrows——a matter of extreme urgency; be urgently critical; immediate danger; pressing need;[查看详情]