共 6 条词语
公诸同好把自己喜爱的东西给有同样爱好的人共同享受。例自从听了这番妙解说书的才得明白。如今公诸同好。——《儿女英雄传》英share enjoyment with those of the same taste;[查看详情]
秘而不宣保守秘密不对外宣布。英keep sth. secret; hold sth.back; keep one's own council;[查看详情]
莫测高深没法揣测高深到什么程度指言行使人难以了解或理解。也作高深莫测。英enigmatic; be quite beyond one's depth; unfathomable;[查看详情]
心怀叵测心里藏着难以猜测的阴谋诡计。例曹操心怀叵测叔父若往,恐遭其害。——《三国演义》英maleficent; harbour concealed intentions; prod sly; with hidden intent;[查看详情]
居心叵测心存险诈难以预测。英with hidden intent;[查看详情]
笑里藏刀形容外貌和善内心狠毒。例这是笑里藏刀言清行浊的人。——《水浒传》英velvet paws hide sharp claws; cover the dagger with smile; daggers hiden behind smiles; There are daggers in man' s smile;[查看详情]