共 6 条词语
奉公守法遵守国家规定的各项规章法令。例体面的人不仅自己奉公守法而且惩罚那些违法乱纪的人。英civility; be lawnabiding; carry out official duties and observe the law;[查看详情]
安贫乐道安于清贫的生活乐于自己的信仰。英be contented in poverty and devote to things spiritual; live contentedly as a poor scholar; happy to lead a simple virtuous life;[查看详情]
安分守己安于命定的本分只做自己分内的事情。英abide by the law and behave oneself; act proper to one's status; behave discreetly;为人规矩老实做事不敢越轨。例还是安分守己做做工吧!——陆文夫《唐巧娣翻身》英know one’s place;[查看详情]
谨言慎行严谨其言论审慎其行为。英speak and act cautiously;[查看详情]
循规蹈矩适合常规和习俗。例与镇上循规蹈矩的人合不来。英nice; act with directions; follow the usual rules and regulations; toe the line;也用于形容拘守成规不敢有所变动。例皆因看的你们是三四代的老妈妈最是循规蹈矩。——《红楼梦》[查看详情]
秋毫无犯秋毫:动物入秋新换的绒毛比喻纤细之物。丝毫不侵犯。喻指军纪严明。例持军整齐秋豪(毫)无犯。——《后汉书岑彭传》英(of high disciplined troops) not commit the slightest offence against the civilians;[查看详情]