共 11 条词语
突飞猛进形容发展进步飞快变化巨大。例改革事业正在突飞猛进。英advance by leaps and bounds; make giant strides; advance with sevenleague strides;[查看详情]
风驰电掣像刮风、闪电那样。形容非常迅速。例一辆汽车从他面前风驰电掣般地驶过。英swift as the wind and quick as the lightning; come like a storm and flash like lightning;亦作“风驰电逝”、“风驰电赴”[查看详情]
光阴似箭指时光如同箭飞行那样快速消逝比喻光阴极易逝去也作“光阴如箭”例秋来庭下,光阴如箭,似无言有意伤侬。——宋苏轼《行香子秋兴》英time flies like an arrow; how time flies;[查看详情]
快马加鞭比喻加快步伐疾速前进。例这一批成品是我们快马加鞭赶出来的。英spur on the flying horse to full speed;[查看详情]
日月如梭日月像穿梭一样来来往往形容时间过得飞快。例时光如箭日月如梭,也有一年之上。——《京本通俗小说。碾玉观音上》英the sun and the moon move back and forth like a shuttle-time flies;[查看详情]
大步流星形容步子迈得大,走得快。英at a stride; with vigorous strides;[查看详情]
雷厉风行如迅雷似疾风,形容办事果断、有力、迅速。例昭不杀之武则雷厉风行。——宋曾巩《元丰类稿》英carry out vigorously and speedily; enforce with thunder-like violence and windlike swiftness;[查看详情]
一日千里一天前进一千里路程。比喻马跑得极快。例造父为穆王御长驱归周,一日千里以救乱。——《史记秦本纪》英a thousand li a day;比喻进展极快。英with giant stride; at a tremendous pace;[查看详情]
一目十行看书时一眼可以看十行。形容看书非常快。英read ten lines at a glance;[查看详情]