共 4 条词语
未老先衰指年轻早衰。英prematurely senile; be decrepit before one's age;[查看详情]
老态龙钟形容年老体衰、行动不便的样子。例老态龙钟疾未平更堪俗事败幽情。——宋陆游《听雨》英senile; be old and shaky; doddering old age; old appearance with bent back and unsteady steps;[查看详情]
倚老卖老凭靠年高、卖弄资格看不起人。例姨太太真个倚老卖老。——《红楼梦》英take advantage of one's seniority; flaunt one's seniority;[查看详情]
老气横秋形容老练而自负的神气。例东坡笔端游戏槎牙老气横秋。——宋楼钥《玫槐集》英be pompously conceited; be proud of one's seniority; arrogant on account of one’s seniority; self-importance of the aged;形容缺乏朝气暮气沉沉。例众人取笑了一回见新人老气横秋的[查看详情]