共 5 条词语
从谏如流旧时形容君主能很好地听取臣下的进谏像水从高处流到低处一样自然。英readily accept sb.'s correct opinion or advice;[查看详情]
广开言路言路:进言的道路。开放言论博采众议。指尽量给人们创造发表意见的机会。例我们今天确实需要扩大眼界广开言路,更好地借鉴外国一切先进的东西。英encourage the free airing of views;[查看详情]
从善如流形容能迅速而顺畅地接受别人的正确意见。也作“从谏如流”例楚师之还也晋侵沈,获沈子揖,初从知、范、韩也。君子曰:“从善如流,宜哉!”——《左传成公八年》英readily accept good advice;[查看详情]
集思广益集合思路和意见可以收到更广大的效益。英pool the wisdom of the masses; be benefitted by mutual discussion; draw upon all useful opinions; make use of opinions and add to the welfare;[查看详情]
群策群力群众的智谋和力量。例实赖同心同德之臣亟合群策群力之助。——宋陈元晋《见郑参政启》英brainstorm; by collective wisdom and efforts; pool the wisdom and efforts of the masses; pool all the brains and brawn for the job;[查看详情]