共 4 条词语
乐善好施谓乐于行善喜好施舍。例使人乐善好施恭孝以修仁则心和而神全也。——宋张君房《云笈七签》英samaritanism; love to do philanthropic work;[查看详情]
完璧归赵出自战国故事。秦王许诺赵王以十五座城换取和氏璧当使臣蔺相如献璧之后秦王却不提换城之事,蔺相如施巧计使和氏璧重归赵国。今多指以原物归还其主。英return a thing intact to the owner; return the jade to its state of Zhao;[查看详情]
路不拾遗东西掉在路上没有人拾去据为己有形容大治之世。例路不拾遗国无狱讼。——汉贾谊《先醒》英lost articles are always returned; no one picks up lost articles on the street-a peaceful and prosperous time;[查看详情]
秋毫无犯秋毫:动物入秋新换的绒毛比喻纤细之物。丝毫不侵犯。喻指军纪严明。例持军整齐秋豪(毫)无犯。——《后汉书岑彭传》英(of high disciplined troops) not commit the slightest offence against the civilians;[查看详情]