共 5 条词语
开门见山比喻说话、写文章直截了当一开始就涉及主题。例一种不拘形式、开门见山的外交。英come straight to the point; shirt-sleeved;[查看详情]
心直口快性情直爽有话就说。例薛蟠本是个心直口快的人,见不得这样藏头露尾的事。——《红楼梦》英frank and outspoken; carry one's heart upon one's sleeves; say what one thinks without much deliberation;[查看详情]
畅所欲言痛快地把想说的话都说出来。例教授有教授的架子不能畅所欲言。英express with zest and gust; get sth. off one's chest;[查看详情]
单刀直入原意是勇猛前进现在则比喻说话直截了当锋芒甚锐。例若是作家战将便请单刀直入。——宋释原道《景德传灯录》英speak out without beating about the bush; come straight to the point;[查看详情]
一清二楚非常清楚。英be ferfecely clear; as clear as daylight;[查看详情]