共 6 条词语
火上浇油比喻使人更加恼怒或助长事态发展。例我从来不劣方头恰便如火上浇油。——《元曲选陈州粜米》英pour oil on the fire;[查看详情]
弄巧成拙本想取巧结果反把事情办糟了。例弄巧成拙画蛇添足。英outsmart oneself; suffer from being too smart; try to be clever only to end in blunder;[查看详情]
危如累卵比喻处境极其危险像堆起来的蛋,随时可能滚下来打碎。英in a precarious situation; as precarious as a pile of eggs;[查看详情]
釜底游鱼比喻身临绝境、生命危在旦夕的人。也可说“鱼游釜中”英like a fish in the pot without hope of escape; though living but not long;[查看详情]
起死回生救活垂危的人。形容医术高明。例吃紧的不识病名休再提起死回生。——明李开先《林冲宝剑记》英raise; raise the dead;[查看详情]
雪上加霜再次遭难而受到更严重的伤害。英one disaster after another; calamities come in succession as frost is added on top of snow;[查看详情]