共 12 条词语
戮力同心齐心合力。例昔逮我献公及穆公相好戮力同心,申这以盟誓,生亡以婚姻。——《左传成公二十三年》英pull together and work hard as a team; make concerted efforts; unite in a concerted effort;[查看详情]
同舟共济同船渡河相为照应。比喻利害得失相同者要患难与共通力合作。英be in the same boat; cross a river in the same boat;[查看详情]
和衷共济指同心协力克服困难。例大家也真能和衷共济的讨论救济的方法。——《老舍文集赵子曰》英work together with one heart (in times of difficulty);[查看详情]
同仇敌忾全体一致地抱着对敌人的仇恨和愤怒。英share a bitter hatred of enemy; a common danger causes common action; with bitter hatred against the common enemy;[查看详情]
众望所归众人一致希望归向于某人多指某人受到大家信任希望其主持某项工作。英enjoy popular confidence;[查看详情]
马首是瞻战争中士兵看主将马头或进或退喻指跟随别人行动以别人的楷模为榜样。英take the head of the general's horse as guide;[查看详情]
人心所向指众人的思想归向。例南方各省既倡义于前北方将领亦主张于后。人心所向天命可知。——《清史稿宣统皇帝纪》英the popular sentiment;[查看详情]
百川归海指条条河流都流归大海。比喻许多分散的事物都汇集到一个地方亦比喻大势所趋或众望所归。英all things tend in one direction; all the rivers run into (to) the sea;[查看详情]
精诚团结一心一意团结一致。例精诚团结,共赴国难。——毛泽东《为动员一切力量争取抗日战争胜利而斗争》英unite together with all the faith and dedication capable of;[查看详情]
骨肉相连象骨头和肉一样互相连接。比喻双方关系密切不可分离。例中国人民解放军是人民的子弟兵和人民群众是骨肉相连的。英be bone of one's bones and flesh of one's flesh; be closely linked as flesh and blood;[查看详情]